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European Digital Innovation Hubs Network

EDIH Catalogue

Browse this catalogue to find essential information about the European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIH), the one-stop shops assisting companies and public administration in addressing digital challenges. The EDIH Network is co-financed by the European Commission and EU Member States.
Search. Explore the complete EDIH catalogue, including hub descriptions.
EDIH type. Choose from three types of hubs: Funded under Digital Europe programme: Co-funded by the European Commission and Member States/Associated Countries. Seal of Excellence: Positively evaluated in a European competitive call but funded exclusively by national or regional resources. Funded by other initiatives: Digital innovation hubs with similar activities to EDIHs but not connected to the network. Users will need to select this type manually.
Please note: The search engine is based on standard filtering using fixed Boolean logic. For in-depth (e.g. cross-cutting) searches and analytics the full set of data is available under the “Download Data”.  
Funded under Digital Europe Programme
Seal of Excellence
Funded by other initiatives
Displaying 1 - 20 of 279
EDIH Name Country Coordinator Location Phone Email
4PDIH Slovenia Jure Trilar Tržaška cesta 25, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia +38631605115
AddedValue Hungary Laskai András Budapest, Podmanitczky utca 49 (5525 füzesgyarmat, vécsei utca 8.), 5525, Hungary +36305517794
ADi4SMEs Bulgaria Nikolinka Hinkova "Raiko Daskalov" 7, 5300 Gabrovo, Bulgaria +359888300400
Advanced Manufacturing Digital Innovation Hub Lithuania Audrius Jasenas Technopolis / beta, juozo balčikonio str. 3, 08247 Vilnius, Lithuania +37062071450
AGORA DIH Spain Carlos Miras Marin Avenida de la Fama 3, 30003 Murcia Murcia, Spain +34968365706
Agri Sud Ouest Innovation France Augier Laurent 8 chemin de la crouzette, Auzeville-tolosane, France +33609934803
AgriFood Croatia Croatia Bumbak Matija Put gimnazije 2, Sibenik, Croatia +385 91 788 89 87
Agrihub Sweden Sweden Anna RYDBERG Brinellgatan 4, 501 15 Boras, Sweden +46 10 516 69 55
AI MAGISTER Italy Simone Caporale Piazzale de matthaeis 9, 03100 Frosinone FR, Italy +393939002839
AI-PACT Italy Greta Nasi Via sarfatti 25, 20136 Milano, Italy 0039 0258366222
AI4PA_Portugal Portugal Paulo Vale Rua de Vila Flor 166, 4810-453 Guimaraes, Portugal +351 217231200
AIR-Andalusia Spain Enrique Herrera Viedma Cuesta del hospicio sn, 18071 Granada Granada, Spain +34958242703
AIR4S Spain Asuncion Gomez Perez Calle ramiro de maeztu 7 edificio rectorado, 28040 Madrid Madrid, Spain 0034 910 67 01 71
AIR4S - Artificial Intelligence & Robotics for Sustainable Development Goals Spain Gómez-Pérez Asunción C/ ramiro de maeztu 7, Madrid, Spain +34910670416
AIVHY Industry 4.0 Innovation Hub Malta Stanley Muller Soho the strand, fawwara building, msida road, Gzira GZR1401, Malta +356 79019275
Algarve Smart Destination, Digital Innovation Hub Portugal Costa Jessica Universidade do algarve, campus de gambelas, pavilhão b1, Faro, Portugal 351 932 821 316
Algebra LAB Croatia Mršić Leo Gradiscanska 24, Zagreb, Croatia +385 1 2222 182
AM-EDIH Sweden Lars Nyborg Chalmersplatsen 4, 412 96 Goteborg, Sweden +46317721257
Andalucía Agrotech Digital Innovation Hub Spain Teva Fernández Manuel Tabladilla s/n, Sevilla, Spain +34610540542
Ap-EDIH Italy Luisa Torsi Via Amendola 172/5 (legal headquarter), 70126 Bari BA, Italy +390805442092