Hub information
EDIH Title
Geographical scope

DIGIS3 is an EDIH promoted by the Regional Government of Castile and León as part of its objective for a digital and green transition of the regional economy, which is highly industrial, and where 99% of SMEs predominates over large enterprises. The objective of DIGIS3 is to ensure the smart, sustainable, and cohesive digital and green transformation of SMEs and public sector organisations (PSOs) in Castile and León. DIGIS3 is focused on cohesion, through comprehensive support to users, facilitating their access to specialised technical knowledge and experimentation environments. It will act as a digital one-stop shop service whose central core of knowledge and training is structured around Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence, High Performance Computing, and Advanced Digital Skills (IoT, 5G, additive manufacturing…). This accompaniment will be carried out through appropriate digitalisation itineraries, in accordance with the users' level of digital maturity, and considering the specific needs of the sector and the geographical environment for the capillarisation of the EDIH services. DIGIS3 is a strategic alliance that combines 6 major complimentary players in the region: ICE, as the PSO in charge of public investments, funding, and internationalisation of regional SMEs, with presence in all the provinces; IoTDIH, DIHBU and DIHLEAF, 3 fully operational DIHs, together with 13 affiliated entities; SCAYLE, as the regional centre for HPC; and ULe, as a reference competence centre in advanced digital skills. In this sense, relevant industry organisations, all the public Universities, and most of the technological centres of the Region are part of DIGIS3. DIGIS3 will boost the digital and green transformation of more than 1400 regional SMEs and PSOs in the next 3 years that will receive high added-value services, together with the collaboration of an extensive network of more than 50 EDIHs and organisations that are already supporting the proposal.
Coordinator information
Coordinator address
Avenida Santiado Madrigal 39
37003 Salamanca Salamanca
Coordinator Business name
Coordinator Legal name
Coordinator department
Market and services
Contact Name | Role | Country | Address | Business Name | Legal Name | Participant Type | Website |
Javier Prieto Tejedor | Affiliated | Spain | Calle Patio de Escuelas, 1, 37008 Salamanca, Spain | UNIVERSIDAD DE SALAMANCA | UNIVERSIDAD DE SALAMANCA | HES | |
Beatriz Asensio | Partner | Spain | Calle Jacinto Benavente, 2, 47195 Arroyo de la Encomienda, Spain | ICE - INSTITUTE FOR BUSINESS COMPETITIVENESS OF CASTILLA Y LEON | INSTITUTO PARA LA COMPETITIVIDAD EMPRESARIAL DE CASTILLA Y LEON | PUB | |
Belen Lanuza | Partner | Spain | C/ López Bravo, 70, 09001 Burgos, Spain | DIHBU | ASOCIACION DIGITAL INNOVATION HUB INDUSTRY 4.0 | OTH | |
Diego Martínez García | Affiliated | Spain | Calle López Bravo, 70, 09001 Burgos, Spain | ITCL TECHNOLOGY CENTER | FUNDACION INSTITUTO TECNOLOGICO DE CASTILLA Y LEON | REC | |
María Tapia Gordon | Affiliated | Spain | Autovía A-1, Km. 213,5, 09390 Madrigalejo del Monte (Burgos), Spain | ABB | ASEA BROWN BOVERI, S.A. | PRC | |
Emiliana Molero Sotillo | Affiliated | Spain | Plaza Castilla, 1, 09003 Burgos, Spain | FAE BURGOS | CONFEDERACION DE ASOCIACIONES EMPRESARIALES DE BURGOS | OTH | |
Jesús Arce Alonso | Affiliated | Spain | C/ Alcalde Martín Cobos, 16B 1CyD, 09007 Burgos, Spain | KEYLAND SDG | KEYLAND SISTEMAS DE GESTION, S.L. | PRC | |
Álvaro Herrero Cosío | Partner | Spain | ICCRAM, Edificio I+D+i, Plaza Misael Bañuelos, s/n, 09001 Burgos, Spain | DIH-LEAF | Digital Innovation Hub on Livestock, Environment, Agriculture & Forest (DIH-LEAF) | OTH | |
Álvaro Herrero Cosío | Affiliated | Spain | C/ Hospital del Rey, s/n, 09001 Burgos, Spain | UNIVERSIDAD DE BURGOS | UNIVERSIDAD DE BURGOS | HES | |
Tomás Sánchez-Urán López-Rey | Affiliated | Spain | Avda. Juan Carlos I, 30, 05004 Ávila, Spain | KERBEST | AGROPECUARIA LA SERROTA, S.L. | PRC | |
Pedro José Cernuda Navarro | Affiliated | Spain | Avda. de Burgos, 46, 47009 Valladolid, Spain | COMERCIAL AGRÍCOLA CASTELLANA | COMERCIAL AGRÍCOLA CASTELLANA, S.L. | PRC | |
Jorge Miñón Martínez | Affiliated | Spain | Avda. de Madrid, 44, 34004 Palencia, Spain | ITAGRA CT | CENTRO TECNOLOGICO AGRARIO Y AGROALIMENTARIO ASOCIACION | REC | |
Rafael Alonso Ponce | Affiliated | Spain | Calle Alonso de Velázquez, 2, P2, 1A, 42003 Soria, Spain | FÖRA | FORA FOREST TECHNOLOGIES, S.L.L. | PRC | |
Raúl De Saja | Affiliated | Spain | C/ Montañana, R60-R61, Polígono Industrial de Bayas, 09200 Miranda de Ebro (Burgos), Spain | CTME | FUNDACION CENTRO TECNOLOGICO DE MIRANDA DE EBRO | REC | |
Luis Manuel Navas García | Affiliated | Spain | Plaza de Santa Cruz, 8, Palacio de Santa Cruz, 47002 Valladolid, Spain | UNIVERSIDAD DE VALLADOLID | UNIVERSIDAD DE VALLADOLID | HES | |
Juan Bautista Alonso Martín | Affiliated | Spain | Plaza de España, 10, 37760 Linares de riofrío (Salamanca), Spain | ADRISS | Asociación para el Desarrollo Rural Integral de las Sierras de Salamanca | OTH | |
Álvaro Fanego Lobo | Partner | Spain | Edificio CRAI-TIC, Campus de Vegazana de la Universidad de León, 24071 León, Spain | SCAYLE - Supercomputación Castilla y León | FUNDACION CENTRO DE SUPERCOMPUTACION DE CASTILLA Y LEON | REC | |
Manuel Domínguez González | Partner | Spain | Avenida Facultad, 25, 24071 León, Spain | ULE | UNIVERSIDAD DE LEON | HES | |