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European Digital Innovation Hubs Network
News article24 March 2023

Investigating the legal aspects of cooperation between European Digital Innovation Hubs

The EDIH Academy training course on the Legal Aspects of Cooperation, organised and presented by the DTA Team, was successfully completed on 23 March 2023.

The course offered participants a general overview of the legal aspects that European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIHs) should consider when cooperating with other EDIHs. It went on to explore a variety of EDIH collaboration scenarios, focusing on the key legal aspects that may require consideration in each case. Discussion centred on the importance of establishing a Cooperation Agreement to support EDIH collaboration as well as different models in use at the EU level. The training concluded with a Q&A session.

The live session was recorded. The video recording and the presentation slides will be made available to registered participants on the EDIH Academy eLearning platform.


Publication date
24 March 2023