- Publication date
- 1 February 2024
Each day, millions of European citizens use digital services based on one or more smart connectivity technologies such as the Internet of Things or 5G networks. The European Union is rapidly advancing towards a successful digital transformation, and the connectivity sector is vitally important not only for the Europeans, but also has a great impact on the industry, economy and global leadership position.
More and more complex digital services are being deployed, and the smart connectivity field has a cross-sectorial character as it opens a vast range of opportunities in verticals such as smart cities or e-health. To ensure this constant progress, different factors need to be considered.
Responding to all these needs, the Thematic Working Group on Smart Connectivity will join forces of different European Digital Innovation Hubs with smart connectivity capacities, infrastructures and expertise, and create a vibrant ecosystem of the stakeholders actively involved in the telecommunications field such as 5G/6G, the Internet of Things and Cybersecurity, but also other connectivity enabled technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Augmented and Immersive reality, Blockchain, Digital Twins, and Cloud Computing.
As the European Commission set targets for its Digital Decade Programme for 2030, the Member States need to stimulate and deepen collective efforts focused on developing digital technologies, skills and infrastructures. Thus, Smart Connectivity Thematic Working Group will aim to create the preconditions for successful interregional cooperation, with a special focus on increasing the capacity of innovation ecosystems.
This Thematic Working Group wishes to:
- Accelerate the digital transformation of the European economy in the field of smart connectivity;
- Foster Europe´s technology sovereignty in the smart connectivity field;
- Bring together a dynamic group of the EDIHs that enable customers to lead the 21st century connected life;
- Promote the members through events and campaigns on topics connected with smart connectivity.
The activities of the WG will focus on:
- Community building:
- Establishing cooperation between the members: organising internal meetings, matchmaking events and workshops with members, acquiring new cross-border contacts,
- Organising external events with stakeholders, experts and communities;
- Promoting ongoing work, outcomes, technologies, know-how, and stimulating open discussions with a wider audience on current topics, analysing the possibilities of collaboration within the EDIH programme;
- Creating a catalogue of shared services of the group members;
- Potential collaboration partners for EU projects and possibilities for cooperation, teaming up for new proposal ideas and building quality partnerships (long-term perspective).
2. Enabling exchanges and contributions – bringing about the exchange of experience and good practices.
3. Increased visibility and engagement of the smart connectivity community within the European Union.
4. Examining the relevant topics and cross-cutting issues related to smart connectivity:
- Identifying areas in which action is needed and addressing prominent issues;
- Following policies connected to the smart connectivity and the EDIH programme.
5. Contribution to the implementation of the EU policy initiatives such as the European Green Deal.
The next WG meeting will be announced to the TWG members and advertised on this page.
Previous meetings and activities
The fifth WG meeting took place in person, in the form of a Workshop, prior to the EDIH Network Annual Summit in Brussels, on 26/11/2024.
The fourth meeting took place on 10/10/2024, focusing on AI, Data and Robotics Association (ADRA) and its collaboration with the EDIH Network.
The third meeting took place on 12/09/2024.
The second meeting took place on the 06/06/2024.
The kick-off meeting took place the 25/04/2024.
The Digital Transformation Accelerator will provide technical and organizational support to the working group as needed.
If your EDIH is interested in participating or you require further information, please contact:
- Digital Transformation Accelerator Team (for participation only):
- European Commission: DG CNECT, Mr Livio Rubino:
- EDIH moderating team: Pau Pamplona, DIH4CAT EDIH: