Hub information
EDIH Title
Geographical scope

DIBI focuses on the digitalization of the manufacturing industry as one of the most important economic sectors in Bavaria - despite progressive structural change. Its share amounts to more than 30% of GNP and it strongly affects other sectors. About 87% of the companies here are SMEs. They face severe transformation challenges due to digitalization, decarbonization, decrease of combustion drives, energy shortage, shortage of skilled staff and increase of costs. A second focus of the DIBI consortium lies on digital transformation of public authorities which still lack behind and hinder sustainable and citizen-friendly operations. Thus, DIBI aims to support manu-facturing-oriented companies (SMEs and small mid-caps), start-ups, and public organizations in Bavaria by stimulating, enabling, and accelerating digital innovations and therefore foster competitiveness and sustaina-ble solutions. The eight partners of EDIH DIBI consortium located in North, West and South of Bavaria are close to the customers in whole Bavaria. DIBI provides a portfolio of 100+ client services distributed over four cus-tomer-centric work packages and focusing on Analytics and AI, Digital powered Manufacturing and Cyber Re-silience. Already 64 services of them are available at project start and can be provided to other EDIHs on de-mand. Every service type is specified in a detailed price list (annex 1). Strong synergies will be leveraged by a structured collaboration with EEN Bavaria2Europe, also coordinated by BI. Pre-existing collaborations with a significant number of (E)DIHs have already established European corridors which can be built upon. KPIs are set to indicate the progress in numbers of served clients with basic/advanced services, while qualitative excel-lence will be monitored continuously. We expect significant long-term impact on the competitiveness of our target customers by providing knowledge transfer and skills development as well as test-based decisions for investments.
Coordinator information
Coordinator address
Am Tullnaupark 8
90402 Nürnberg