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European Digital Innovation Hubs Network
Training and workshopsEDIH month

Cascade Funding Call for Proposals Presentation Day

During the day, there will be an introduction to the financing mechanisms and methodology in Cascada, as well as several projects with open calls or in anticipation of launching Open Calls.

Cascade financing is a mechanism of the European Commission (EC) to distribute public funds with the aim of supporting SMEs and midcaps but also start-ups in the integration and development of technological innovations. These funds are made available to companies through calls (Open Calls) launched by projects financed in turn by the EC. A good part of these calls focus on promoting the adoption of new technologies by their end users and are implemented as financing for carrying out experiments in real work environments. The maximum budget for aid to companies through this mechanism is variable, depending on the objectives of each project, but is usually around 60,000-250,000 euros of non-refundable subsidy. During the day, there will be an introduction to the financing mechanisms and methodology in Cascada, as well as several projects with open calls or in anticipation of launching Open Calls.

Please find the link to the event here.

Please find more information on the event here.

  • EU financing
  • -
  • Online only

Practical information

Online only
Who should attend
SMEs, RTOs, etc.