Hub information
EDIH Title
Geographical scope

Public Administration Intelligence (PAI) is focused on the applicative area of public services to citizens, delivered by Public Administrations (PA) and, increasingly, by Social Economy Organiszations (SEO). The convergence of these two actors in delivering services is particularly strong in Italy, where after the reform of the third sector, SEOs have been invested to role of co-programming and co-designing with PAs that have to ensure their active involvement in the exercise of their functions of planning and organiszation at the territorial level of interventions and services in the sectors of activity of general interest. Thus, PAIs targets are (PAs) and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) frorm the social economy (SE) sector in Friuli Venezia Giulia, Piedmont and the Aosta Valley in northern Italy delivering public services to citizens. PAI coordinates public and private ICT providers, a university, a Digital Innovation Hub (DIH), training agency from the SE, an independent financial consultant, and representatives of the target. The expertise is focused on artificial intelligence (AI), high performance computing (HPC) (as part of the EuroHPC Digital Europe (DE) programme), cybersecurity, blockchain and technologies for social good and e-participation of citizens, but it does not disregard higher technology readiness level (TRL) solutions given the low level of digitalization of its customers. To ensure a truly European dimension, PAI will coordinate with the Digital Transformation Accelerator (DTA), will connect with other EDIHs around EU, but it will also liaise with the world of sSocial eEconomy around Europe and beyond via the DIESIS partner, a network of second- level SEOs. Its pipeline of services includes: 1) networking, 2) a digital maturity assessment and a green assessment 3) co-creation of services with citizens via participation platforms, testing before investing 4) training 5) support to financing.
Coordinator information
Coordinator address
Via San Francesco d'Assisi 43
34133 Trieste TS