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European Digital Innovation Hubs Network




AERO European Digital Innovation Hubs

Aero EDIH is working to help small and medium businesses in the future aerospace industry grow faster. They also aim to create positive change in society and business by making the aerospace industry more digital and environmentally friendly.


The sky is no longer the limit—it’s the next frontier for eco-friendly, efficient transport. Aero EDIH is set to pave the way in Europe. With a focus on green innovation and digital advancements, this initiative isn’t just talk; it’s action. Funded by strong Swedish partners and a budget of 2.9 million euros, Aero EDIH has a clear 36-month plan.

What’s on the agenda? Practical services designed to push the envelope. We’re talking tech tests to de-risk investments, skill-building workshops, and networking opportunities. But Aero EDIH goes even further. It helps businesses find the right investors and connects them with an innovation ecosystem. All of these services are aimed at one goal: accelerating the adoption of digital technology in the aerospace sector.

Why does it matter? Because we need a revolution in how we move goods and people. Current modes of transport are simply not cutting it. They’re either too slow, too polluting, or both. Aero EDIH offers a promising route to a solution.

Our services

Test Before Invest Package

Evaluate and validate new aviation technologies or concepts within a controlled environment before committing significant financial resources. It’s about being through, methodical, and wise.

Funding Support Package

The Funding Support work package is all about fueling innovation. It’s about providing financial assistance and resources to innovative projects, startups, or initiatives that align with the hub’s objectives.

Training & Skill Development Package

We focus on boosting your skills and know-how in the aviation and digital innovation fields. From handpicked courses to teamwork, we’ve got it all.

Network & Ecosystem Package

Join us in shaping a dynamic and collaborative space for everyone in aviation and innovation. Our Network & Ecosystem package aims to bring people and ideas together, sparking innovation and growth in the digital transformation of aviation.

Facts and figures

Partners in the hub
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Services packages