Hub information
EDIH Title
Arctic Drone Labs DIH is a non-profit innovation ecosystem that provides world-class innovative solutions, technical and non-technical services to its members and partners in the field of UAS, robotics, autonomous systems and associated fields. We gather the best practices in relevant research and industry domains and contribute to the advancement of research knowledge, stronger innovative practices, industry-driven standardisation and development of relevant vertical and horizontal markets in close collaboration with key stakeholders. The alliance opens access to research results and brings the expertise of all its members to enable ascension in the value chain, improve work efficiency and ensure new business opportunities. We contribute to the common industry and research-driven proprietary and open system platforms and open-source solutions and are involved in standardisation and dissemination activities and policymaking. By investing systematically into the cutting-edge technology innovations, with comprehensive digitalisation and following the security by design approach, we deliver the complete range of solutions from technology enablers to post-operational data analytics – seamlessly integrating them into the existing or newly-developed processes, tools, platforms and architectures. Ethical, data privacy and data protection aspects are considered as crucial in all our operations and those projects that we plan and develop. Well-established and continuously-developed collaboration with stakeholders, including government bodies and business and research circles representing different industry sectors and research domains from all around Finland, allows us to mobilise required resources in a fast and efficient way. Together with our members and partners, we meet international requirements to facilitate European move towards digital single market strategy and contribute to the establishment of a European U-Space Demonstrator Network.
Coordinator information
Coordinator address
Yliopistokatu 9
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