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European Digital Innovation Hubs Network

EDIH Bretagne

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EDIH Bretagne


You can use this page to describe any collaborations between your EDIH and other organizations. This is an opportunity to explain how you have extended the reach your EDIH.

Let's join forces!

Thanks to its founding members, EDIH Bretagne is supported by several European networks and initiatives: Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) supported in the region by BDI and the regional CCI, ERRIN, ERIAFF, Smart Agri Hubs, Eurada) to create new business, research and innovation opportunities for companies. DIH-Bretagne will facilitate match-making between suppliers and buyers, but also between research and innovation players.

Since 2017, Brittany (through the Region and innovation stakeholders) has been involved in 9 interregional platforms on agri-food, energy and industrial modernisation. The founding members of EDIH Bretagne are in contact with the different European Directorates General (Grow, CNCT, Regio, RTD, JRC, AGRI) of the European Commission and are already connected to many institutional, research and innovation partners in Europe, linking ecosystems. They participate in the consortia of many European projects, including INTERREG Europe, Interreg Channel and H2020. Therefore, EDIH Bretagne contributes to several European inter-DIH projects (Change2Twin, DIH-World, DIH-AI).

The Brittany region, a founding member of EDIH Bretagne, has been on the Board of the European Cyber Security Organisation (ECSO) since 2017 and leads the ‘Support to SMEs, coordination with countries and regions’ working group.

The Brittany region has been piloting the European S3 Cybersecurity platform since 2018, and has established the ‘European Cyber Valleys’ partnership to develop interregional cooperation. This partnership involves 5 regions (Brittany, Castilla y León, North Rhine-Westphalia, Central Finland and Estonia) and brings together more than 50 businesses, investors, academics and innovators. The programme aims to be the first pan-European operational response to facilitate the emergence of European champions.

EDIH Bretagne is committed to being part of the network between European digital innovation clusters via its partners. EDIH Bretagne also aims to export and import European excellence in terms of skills and technologies