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European Digital Innovation Hubs Network

Global Alliance for Media Innovation (GAMI)

Hub information

EDIH Title

Global Alliance for Media Innovation (GAMI)


Global Alliance for Media Innovation is the network for innovation within the World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers (WAN-IFRA). WAN-IFRA’s members are located in over 120 countries and have a combined reach of more than 18,000 publications, 15,000 online sites and 3,000 companies. Following the launch of the Global Alliance for Media Innovation during WAN-IFRA’s World Congress in June 2014, we have established a brain trust of stakeholders involved in research and innovation for news media. The core of this group is composed of pioneers, media organisations (publishers and suppliers), and academic research labs dealing with technology transfer and research programmes in Europe (Norway, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, UK), the Americas (Brazil, USA, Canada), and Southeast Asia (Singapore, Japan). The Alliance was formed because its members all believe that our industry requires a reliable flood of new technologies, products and business models. We see the future of news media being invented right now, all around the globe, by hundreds of different companies, universities and entrepreneurs. But their separate efforts, research, prototypes and rollouts receive inconsistent attention and analysis. Many good ideas fail simply due to a lack of development support, while others get hyped beyond their real value. Vital lessons and examples are not being widely enough or rapidly enough disseminated. GAMI focuses on five main topic areas relevant to the future of news media companies, news professionals, and news consumers: New platforms/distribution channels: mobility, wear-ability, the Internet of Things (smart cities, connected homes, connected cars, connected devices); New forms of narrative and storytelling: immersive content, VR, 360° video, social media; Data exploration: big data, data visualisation, automatic generation of content; Technology enablers: privacy, security; Multiple media convergence: interoperability, standards (IPTC, etc.) GAMI is guided by an Advisory Board representing news media or media labs, suppliers, research centres, universities, technology clusters and accelerators.

Coordinator information

Contractual contact information

Fozard Stephen

Operational contact information

Fozard Stephen

Coordinator address

69 rue du chevaleret

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