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European Digital Innovation Hubs Network Bjelovar

Hub information

EDIH Title Bjelovar

Description Bjelovar is non-profit digital innovation centre located in Bjelovar (Croatia), acting as a centre for digital transformation of industry (agriculture, manufacture, IT, REW) and development of skills (STEM and business) for area of Continental Croatia. Bjelovar is built around four core functions: clients, technologies, development and innovation. A Bjelovar is a support facility that helps companies to become more competitive by:

improving their business/production processes as well as products and services by means of digital technology Bjelovar will help customers address their challenges in a business focused way and with a common service model, offering services that would not be readily accessible elsewhere. The services available through Bjelovar enable any business to access the latest knowledge, expertise and technology for testing and experimenting with digital innovations relevant to its products, processes or business models:

  • technical advise and mentoring
  • access to funding opportunities
  • access to laboratories and equipment
  • promotion of iot technologies
  • development of innovation projects
  • training Bjelovar will also provide connections with investors, facilitate access to financing for digital transformations, help connect users and suppliers of digital innovations across the value chain, and foster synergies between digital and other key enabling technologies. Thus, Bjelovar will play a huge role in developing economy and use of physical and/or virtual space for networking and organisational development to support individuals, organisations, businesses and projects on a short or long term basis to: facilitate collaboration, networking and skills development.; reach out and collaborate with research and development centres, institutions; creative and non creative industries; communicate and engage with a wider audience and build global; digital opportunities; champion and celebrate emerging talent; push boundaries by taking risks towards innovation.

In 2018, Bjelovar was selected by the European Commission for participating in the "Smart Factories in New EU Member States" project. Since the first day of work, the stakeholders in the Bjelovar are working to expand the network of formal and informal members / associates: SMEs in agriculture, manufacturing, IT, development agencies, BSO, NGOs, universities. Transfer of practical knowledge, technologies and people aims for preparing all of stakeholders for digital, technological, working-skills transformation.

The mission of the DIH is to enable and support new talents for present technological challenges and prepare them for shaping the technological future. Our top priority is to make sure our clients have a plan tailored to their specific business and individual needs that addresses their unique goals and circumstances now and in the future. We are starting to develop a much more thriving ecosystem through development of skills and knowledge for children and youth and including them into possibilities with new technologies.

Coordinator information

Contractual contact information

Vukmanic Dajana

Operational contact information

Vukmanic Dajana

Coordinator address

Eugen kvaternik square 6
43000 Bjelovar

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