Hub information
EDIH Title
Geographical scope

EDICS project is a collaborative effort of 11 prominent Bulgarian organizations in the construction sector with nationwide coverage and established ecosystems which combine (1) complimentary expertise in digital technologies in the construction sector (2) policy making regarding the development of the construction sector in Bulgaria (3) business networks for clean technologies, innovation and sustainable development (4) technology transfer and access-to-finance capabilities (5) vocational trainings and educational programmes (6) access to Pan-European networks (7) R&D of innovative technologies and greener building materials. The 12th Partner in the Consortium is the newly established NGO “European Digital Innovation Hub” founded by the rest of the project Participants to ensure sustainability of project results. EDICS project main objective is to boost the adoption of advanced digital technologies in the construction in Bulgaria by providing specialized services to SMEs and public sector fitted to their needs and challenges in the green transformation while at the same time acting as a connector to the entire EDIH network and the large pool of digitalization services on a European scale. For doing so, the EDICS project will set up and develop a European Digital Innovation Hub in the Construction Sector (EDIHCS) based in Sofia (Bulgaria), integrating expertise, networks and resources for offering tailor-made services in digitalization of the construction sector. The EDIHCS will act as a one-stop shop for SMEs and public organizations in their journey for digitalization guiding them in the process of assessing their digital maturity, providing the best-fitting services to their specific needs and challenges including test before invest, acceleration and access to finance, and establishing synergies with international networks and platforms for further scale-up of locally-produced innovation.
Coordinator information
Coordinator address
ul. Mihail Tenev 6
1784 Sofia
Coordinator Business name
Coordinator Legal name
Coordinator department
Market and services
Contact Name | Role | Country | Address | Business Name | Legal Name | Participant Type | Website |
Maria Nakova | Partner | Bulgaria | 6, Mihail Tenev Str., 1784 Sofia, Bulgaria | European Digital Innovation Hub in Construction sector | Европейски цифров иновационен хъб в сектро строителство | OTH | |
Vladimir Milkov | Partner | Bulgaria | България, гр.софия, р-н средец, ул. кракра № 11, ет. 2, 1504 София, Bulgaria | Chamber of architects in Bulgaria | KAMARA NA ARHITEKTITE V BULGARIA | OTH | |
Ventsislav Stoyanov | Partner | Bulgaria | Suhodolska street № 175, 1373 Sofia, Bulgaria | VSU "L. Karavelov" | VISSHE STROITELNO UCHILISHTE "LYUBEN KARAVELOV" - SOFIA | PRC | |
Emil Manoach | Partner | Bulgaria | Ul. akademik g bonchev 4 blok 4, 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria | INSTITUTE OF MECHANICS to the Bulgarian Academy of Science IMECHBAS | INSTITUTE OF MECHANICS - BAS IMECHBAS | REC | |
Fantina Rangelova | Partner | Bulgaria | 1, Hristo Smirnenski Blvd., 1164 Sofia, Bulgaria | Bulgarian Association of Construction Project Management (BACPM) | Bulgarian Association of Construction Project Management (BACPM) | OTH | |
Mariyana Hamanova | Partner | Bulgaria | Krakra 18 str floor 1 ground floor, 1504 Sofia, Bulgaria | CLEANTECH BULGARIA | KLIYNTEH BULGARIA | PRC | |
Hristo Dimitrov | Partner | Bulgaria | 21 dimitar ikonomov str, 9010 Varna, Bulgaria | Planex | Planex Ltd | PRC | |
Vladimir Vutov | Partner | Bulgaria | 9 lyulin planina, 1606 Sofia, Bulgaria | GEOSTROY | GEOSTROY | PRC | |
Ivelina Mandeva | Partner | Bulgaria | Bulgaria 38, 2100 Elin pelin, Bulgaria | Baumit Bulgaria EOOD | Baumit Bulgaria EOOD | PRC | |
Evgeniya Karadzhova-Ivanova | Partner | Bulgaria | 62, Alexander Stamboliyski Blvd., 1303 Sofia, Bulgaria | Esri Bulgaria Ltd. | Esri Bulgaria Ltd. | PRC | |
Boyan Georgiev | Partner | Bulgaria | Hristo smirnenski blvd 1, 1046 Sofia, Bulgaria | University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy | UNIVERSITET PO ARCHITEKTURA STROITELSTVO I GEODEZIJA | HEI | |