Hub information
EDIH Title
Geographical scope

In recent years there have been countless advances in connected and cooperative systems for transport and mobility, which are however outlining a paradox: together with the developments underway, challenging and articulated technological needs are emerging, so much so as to make the goal of sustainable, efficient and safe mobility more and more complex to achieve. Indeed, the availability of the technologies necessary for an interoperable implementation of large-scale solutions is only the beginning of a long journey, which cannot ignore economic, market and competitiveness considerations for the involved industries, SMEs and public administrations. The resolution of this paradox is the main objective of the HD-MOTION Hub (HUB for the Digital Mobility Transformation): the ambition to make a great technological leap forward, giving a rapid acceleration to the development of enabling technological solutions, targeting them on innovation and the digitization of sustainable mobility and transport services. SMEs (especially those involved in technology transfer) will be among the end users of the Hub, together with the Public Administration, its services (for example, Public Transport) and citizens. Through the virtuous collaboration of academia, industry and the entire innovation ecosystem, the result of a growth in the competitive capabilities of companies on the Italian territory will be achieved, bridging the technological deficits of innovation and digitization that today penalize them on the European market and world. Through the creation of networks of companies and innovation hubs in the sectors of vehicle production, digital infrastructures and Digital Transportation Systems, basic training and the development of new skills will be implemented, facilitating entry and relocation on the market of the work. At the same time, and in a virtuous circular manner, significant impacts will be generated on the environment and on the users of mobility services.
Coordinator information
Coordinator address
Corso Settembrini 178
10135 Torino TO
Coordinator Business name
Coordinator Legal name
Market and services
Contact Name | Role | Country | Address | Business Name | Legal Name | Participant Type | Website |
Claudio Casetti | Partner | Italy | Corso Duca degli Abruzzi 24, 10129 Torino, Italy | POLITECNICO DI TORINO | POLITECNICO DI TORINO | HES | |
Alessandra Raffone | Partner | Italy | Via di casal boccone 188-190, 00137 Roma, Italy | ALMAVIVA | ALMAVIVA - THE ITALIAN INNOVATION COMPANY SPA | PRC | |
Maurizio Arnone | Partner | Italy | Via pier carlo boggio 61, 10138 Torino, Italy | FONDAZIONE LINKS | FONDAZIONE LINKS - LEADING INNOVATION & KNOWLEDGE FOR SOCIETY | REC | |
Marco Pistore | Partner | Italy | Via santa croce 77, 38122 Trento, Italy | FBK | FONDAZIONE BRUNO KESSLER | REC | |
Valentina Preda | Partner | Italy | Corso d italia 19, 00198 Roma, Italy | RADIOLABS | CONSORZIO UNIVERSITA INDUSTRIA - LABORATORI DI RADIOCOMUNICAZION I | REC | |
- | Affiliated | Italy | Piazza santa margherita 2, 67100 L aquila, Italy | UNIVAQ | UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DELL'AQUILA | HES | |
Gennaro Bifulco | Partner | Italy | Corso umberto i, 40, 80138 Napoli, Italy | UNINA | UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI NAPOLI FEDERICO II | HES | |
Giuseppe Gubello | Partner | Italy | Piazza san carlo 156, 10121 Torino, Italy | INTESA SANPAOLO SPA | INTESA SANPAOLO SPA | PRC | |
- | Affiliated | Italy | Corso inghilterra 3, 10138 Torino, Italy | Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center S.p.A. | Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center S.p.A. | PRC | |
Guido Ceresole | Partner | Italy | Via manfredo fanti 17, 10128 Torino, Italy | UNIONE INDUSTRIALE DI TORINO | UNIONE INDUSTRIALE DI TORINO | OTH | |
- | Affiliated | Italy | Via vincenzo vela 23, 10128 Torino, Italy | CONFINDUSTRIA PIEMONTE | CONFINDUSTRIA PIEMONTE | OTH | |
- | Affiliated | Italy | Corso stati uniti 38, 10128 Torino, Italy | DIHP | Digital Innovation Hub Piemonte | OTH | |
- | Affiliated | Italy | Corso stati uniti 38, 10121 Torino, Italy | SKILLAB srl | SKILLAB CENTRO VALORIZZAZIONE RISORSE UMANE Srl | PRC | |