Hub information
EDIH Title
Geographical scope

The AzoresDIH (AzDIH) is a partnership of 13 organizations specialized in business digitalisation, providing infrastructure, resources, and knowledge for the digital transformation of companies and public institutions. The AzoresDIH is aligned with its regional smart specialization strategy (S3) but seeks and prioritises collaboration with entities in other European countries. The AzDIH consortium aims to achieve the following objectives: i. act as an one-stop-shop and cornerstone mechanism for coordination of digitalisation and digital transformation in the regional industry (with particular attention to SMEs) and public institutions, facilitating the development and uptake of digital technologies in a combined and complementary effort with other local stakeholders. ii. update and build capacities on the necessary infrastructure, expertise, and resources to provide a complete set of services aligned with the digital needs of start-ups, SMEs, mid-caps, and public institutions in the Azores Archipelago, with a focus on Tourism, sustainability, and green transition; and. iii. engage with the Network of European Digital Innovation Hubs to deliver and receive improved capabilities in High Performance Compiting, Artificial Intelligence, Cybersecurity, Advanced Digital Skills and to speed up the best use of digital technologies, not just limited to the Azores Archipelago ecosystem, but also to other European regions, under a collaborative approach with other EDIHs. With a special focus on tourism and sustainability, green economy, and manufacturing sectors, the AzDIH will coordinate all its consortium member resources and capacities to deliver a number of digitalisation-oriented services, as well as to monitor the impact on the target groups, categorized in the domains of test before investing, support to find investments, training and digital skills, and ecosystem, networking and entrepreneurship.
Coordinator information
Coordinator address
Rua da Tecnologia K Épsilon, nº 2
9560-421 Lagoa