Hub information
EDIH Title
Geographical scope

The main objective of AIR-Andalusia is to set up and guarantee the correct operativity of a regional node for the European Digital Innovation Hubs in Andalusia (Spain). Located in the south of the Iberian Peninsula, Andalusia is the most populated Autonomous Community and the second largest in Spain; being an outermost region of Europe. AIR-Andalusia is conceived as a supporting tool to foster the digital transformation of the region, focused on applied Artificial Intelligence and Robotics for (a) SMEs and small mid-caps and (b) public sector organisation, as varied a sectoral coverage as possible. AIRA aims to improve entities’ efficiency and competitiveness, providing them with access to different digitalization services focused on improving business processes, products or services. The services list includes different offers of support covering the whole life cycle of the new product/service development, either to solve technical gaps (‘Test before Invest’ and ‘Training’), to foster synergies with other relevant stakeholders for the service/product development (‘Ecosystem’); options to fund potential R&D or investment projects as the last step for the scale-up of the tested solutions (‘Find Investment’). Therefore, the consortium expects to cover all the potential needs of the entities, prioritising SMEs, to help them reach market. Up to 1.624 complete services are expected to be given during the 3 years period to about 325 entities, including SMEs, start-ups and mid-caps, and public entities. Finally, mobilising new investment in the region to reach the digital transformation. The consortium (20 beneficiaries and 4 Affiliated Entities) is multisectoral and wide enough to cover the great diversity of application sectors of AI and robotics, and the territorial distribution in this extensive region, including representation of Research and Technology entities, Technological companies, Technological Parks and Entrepreneurial associations.
Coordinator information
Coordinator address
Cuesta del hospicio sn
18071 Granada Granada
Coordinator Business name
Coordinator Legal name
Coordinator department
Market and services
Contact Name | Role | Country | Address | Business Name | Legal Name | Participant Type | Website |
- | Affiliated | Spain | Campus las lagunillas sn edifico b1 vicerrectorado de investigacion desar tecn e innovacion, 23071 Jaen, Spain | UJA | UNIVERSIDAD DE JAEN | HES | |
- | Affiliated | Spain | Calle dr cantero cuadrado 6, 21071 Huelva, Spain | UHU | UNIVERSIDAD DE HUELVA | HES | |
Elias Atienza Alonso | Partner | Spain | Calle albert einstein s/n, 41092 Sevilla, Spain | FCTA | FUNDACION CORPORACION TECNOLOGICA DE ANDALUCIA | REC | |
Luis Fernandez-Palacios | Partner | Spain | Arquimides 2 isla de la cartuja, 41092 Sevilla, Spain | CEA | CONFEDERACION DE EMPRESARIOS DE ANDALUCIA | OTH | |
Anibal Ollero | Partner | Spain | Calle s. fernando 4, 41004 Sevilla, Spain | USE | UNIVERSIDAD DE SEVILLA | HES | |
- | Affiliated | Spain | Calle wilbur y orville wright num 17, parque aerop, 41039 La rinconada sevilla, Spain | FADA-CATEC | FUNDACION ANDALUZA PARA EL DESARROLLO AEROESPACIAL | REC | |
Antonio Rojas | Partner | Spain | Calle severo ochoa 47, 29590 Malaga, Spain | PREMO | PREMO S.A.U. | PRC | |
Jose Francisco Aldana Montes | Partner | Spain | Avda cervantes, num. 2, 29016 Malaga, Spain | UMA | UNIVERSIDAD DE MALAGA | HES | |
Janie Banos | Partner | Spain | Calle severo ochoa 2 parque tecnologico campanillas, 29590 Malaga, Spain | DEKRA | DEKRA TESTING AND CERTIFICATION SAU | PRC | |
Sebastian Ventura Soto | Partner | Spain | Avenida de medina azahara 5, 14005 Cordoba, Spain | UCO | UNIVERSIDAD DE CORDOBA | HES | |
Alvaro Simon De Blas | Partner | Spain | Avenida juan lopes penalver 21 parque tecnologico de andalucia, 29590 Campanillas malaga, Spain | EURONOVA | BIC EURONOVA SA | PRC | |
Clara Galvez Verdu | Partner | Spain | Calle marie curie 35, 29590 Malaga, Spain | MALAGA TECHPARK | PARQUE TECNOLOGICO DE ANDALUCIA SA-PTA | PRC | |
Estrella Freire | Partner | Spain | Avda san francisco javier 9, planta bj, puerta 9 edificio sevilla 2, 41018 Sevilla, Spain | ANDALUSIAN COUNCIL OF CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE | CONSEJO ANDALUZ DE CAMARAS DE COMERCIO INDUSTRIA Y NAVEGACION | PUB | |
Manuel Gimenez Medina | Partner | Spain | Avenida luis de morales 32 edificio forum planta 5a modulo 5, 41018 Sevilla, Spain | EMERGYA | EMERGYA INGENIERIA SL | PRC | |
Francisco L. Benitez | Partner | Spain | Avda. innovacion 1, 18100 Armilla, Spain | FIDESOL | Fundacion I+D del Software Libre | REC | |
Luis Perez Diaz | Partner | Spain | Calle isaac newton s/n pabellon de la union europea, 41092 Sevilla, Spain | PCTCARTUJA | PARQUE CIENTIFICO Y TECNOLOGICO CARTUJA SA | PRC | |
Ana Agudo | Partner | Spain | Avda del conocimiento 33, 18016 Granada, Spain | PTS GRANADA | FUNDACION PUBLICA ANDALUZA PARQUE TECNOLOGICO DE CIENCIAS DE LA SALUD DE GRANADA | OTH | |
Gonzalo Balbontin Casillas | Partner | Spain | Avenida americo vespucio 15 edif s2, 41092 Sevilla, Spain | FPS | FUNDACION PUBLICA ANDALUZA PROGRESO Y SALUD | REC | |
- | Affiliated | Spain | Avenida de la constitucion 18, 41071 Sevilla, Spain | SAS | SERVICIO ANDALUZ DE SALUD | PUB | |
Antonio Alcantara | Partner | Spain | C/ maestro montero, 23, 18004 Granada, Spain | ONTECH INNOVATION | ASOCIACION CLUSTER GRANADA PLAZA TECNOLOGICA Y BIOTECNOLOGICA | REC | |
Juan Torres Moreno | Partner | Spain | Avenida primero de mayo s/n, 23700 Linares, Spain | CETEMET | FUNDACION CENTRO TECNOLOGICO METALMECANICA Y DEL TRANSPORTE (CETEMET) | REC | |
Antonio Quiros Estepa | Partner | Spain | Plaza jesus el rico 1, 29012 Malaga, Spain | POLO DE CONTENIDOS DIGITALES | EMPRESA MUNICIPAL DE INICIATIVAS Y ACTIVIDADES EMPRESARIALES DE MALAGA SA | OTH | |
Pedro Antonio De Alarcon Sanchez | Partner | Spain | Gran via 28, 28013 Madrid, Spain | TELEFONICA | TELEFONICA DE ESPANA SA | PRC | |