Hub information
EDIH Title
Geographical scope

Add Smart technologies and get ahead “To add” means to bring about an increase or improvement, to come together or unite by addition. By adding Smart solutions and digital technologies, SMEs can increase and improve to the benefit of not only the company itself but society as a whole and by coming together and unite by addition. Mission: The main goal of AddSmart is to increase the productivity of industrial enterprises and production companies through I4.0 by introducing Smart Production.
AddSmart wants to support small and medium sized manufacturing SMEs on their journey to become more digitalised for them to become resilient and gain a competitive edge. Vision: The vision is to create one point of entrance with easy access to shared knowledge and resources about developments within production technologies based on digital technologies at all levels. This proposal covers the NUTS2 Region of NorthDenmark and is one of 5 appointed Danish candidates for the coming network of European Digital Innovation Hubs. The focus of this proposal is to deliver services to manufacturing SMEs within the fields of I4.0 with the general objective of developing capacities in HPC, AI, Cybersecurity, Advanced Digital Skills and accelerating the best use of technologies for this target group.
Budget: 3,12 M€: 1,088 M from DIGITAL, 0,946 M€ from the member state and 1,088 M€ of private/own funding. The AddSmart consortium consists of 8 partners: 1 regional business hub, 3 academic partners, 1 RTO, 2 clusters and Enterprise Europe Network, which will contribute to the overall KPIs of EDIHs with KPI 1: 200 SMEs will make use of 1 or more AddSmart services within the project period. KPI 2: The service portfolio of AddSmart is expecting to trigger additional investments in the size of 36,5 M€ KPI 3: AddSmart will collaborate with at least 26 other EDIHs and stakeholders KPI 4: 105 SMEs will have increased their maturity level KPI 5: 30 SMEs will have developed new innovations.
Coordinator information
Coordinator address
Niels Jernes Vej 10
9220 Aalborg
Coordinator Business name
Coordinator Legal name
Coordinator department
Market and services
Contact Name | Role | Country | Address | Business Name | Legal Name | Participant Type | Website |
Hanne Bregendahl Pihl | Partner | Denmark | Niels jernes vej 10, 9220 Aalborg ost, Denmark | NorthDenmark EU-Office | NORDDANMARKS EU-KONTOR | OTH | |
Kirsten Ejdum-Boegh | Partner | Denmark | Selma lagerlofs vej 2, 9000 Aalborg, Denmark | UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF NORTHERN DENMARK | PROFESSIONSHOJSKOLEN UNIVERSITY COLLEGE NORDJYLLAND | HES | |
Line Vinterberg Frandsen | Partner | Denmark | Øster uttrup vej 1, 9000 Aalborg, Denmark | TECHCOLLEGE | TECHCOLLEGE S/I | PRC | |
Jonas Hansen | Partner | Denmark | Åbogade 15, 8200 Århus n, Denmark | DigitalLead | DigitalLead | OTH | |
Ole Madsen | Partner | Denmark | Fredrik bajers vej 7k, 9220 Aalborg, Denmark | AAU | AALBORG UNIVERSITET | HES | |
Merete Noerby | Partner | Denmark | H.c. andersens boulevard 18, 1553 Kobenhavn, Denmark | MADE MANUFACTURINGACADEMY OF DENMARK | FORENINGEN MADE | REC | |
Martin Krogstrup Nielsen | Partner | Denmark | Park alle 345, 2605 Brondby, Denmark | FORCE TECHNOLOGY | FORCE TECHNOLOGY | REC | |