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European Digital Innovation Hubs Network


Hub information

EDIH Title

European Digital Innovation Hub Boosting Additive Manufacturing through Digital Services

Geographical scope

Region of Västra Götaland



AM-EDIH is a European Digital Innovation Hub providing world-class services for boosting industrialisation of Additive Manufacturing ("AM") through digitalisation and thereby increasing sustainability and competitiveness of European manufacturing industry. The target clients of AM-EDIH, to which digital AM services will be provided, are 1) SMEs and small mid-caps being i) manufacturers, ii) product developers and iii) solution providers for the new value chains connected to the rapid digitalization of industry, among large enterprises and 2) Public healthcare sector and particularly university hospitals where advanced healthcare services are offered using AM. AM-EDIH has its basis in Western Sweden (Region of VästraGötaland, "RVG") where manufacturing industry constitutes almost half of the region's economy and where research and innovation, e.g. at Chalmers University of Technology ("Chalmers") and Research Institutes of Sweden ("RISE"), is heavily focused on digital manufacturing, and specifically so on digital AM. Moreover, the region's University Hospital (Sahlgrenska) is one of Sweden’s largest hospitals and a hub for strong innovation and clinic research activities, also in AM, in close and broad cooperation with academia, industry and patients. AM-EDIH will focus on developing RVG into a world-leading region for digital AM that can inspire and support other regions in Europe to adopt digital AM to increase sustainability and competitiveness. Through the Swedish regional network of 21 Industrial Development Centres it will also reach the target groups nation-wide. For AM-EDIH it will be very important to network with other EDIHs and EEN to reach other European regions and clients and exchange knowledge, competence, and good practises of digitalisation and thereby contribute to the digital transformation of the European manufacturing industry. RVG, being the 11th most innovative region in Europe (2021), has excellent conditions for achieving this.

Coordinator information

Contractual contact information

Johan Felix

Operational contact information

Lars Nyborg

Coordinator address

Chalmersplatsen 4
412 96 Goteborg

Coordinator Business name


Coordinator Legal name

Coordinator department

Dept of Industrial and Materials Science

Market and services


Additive manufacturing


Déantúsaíocht agus próiseáil


SME support
Knowledge transfer


Contact Name Role Country Address Business Name Legal Name Participant Type Website
Karolina Kazmierczak Partner Sweden Sven Hultins plats 1, 412 58 Goteborg, Sweden Chalmers Industriteknik
Asa Lauenstein Partner Sweden Brinellgatan 4, 501 15 Boras, Sweden RISE REC
Thomas Nilsson Partner Sweden Kanikegränd 3b, 541 23 Skövde, Sweden IUC Sverige AB OTH
Leif Pehrsson Partner Sweden Box 133, 541 23 Skovde, Sweden INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT CENTER WEST SWEDEN AB PRC
Thomas Satmark Partner Sweden Nohabgatan 18a, 461 53 Trollhättan, Sweden IUC Väst OTH
Anna Cato Moe Partner Sweden Box 8090, 40278 Göteborg, Sweden Göteborgs Tekniska College OTH
Jan Andersson Partner Sweden Box 8000, 501 18 Borås, Sweden IUC Sjuhärad OTH