What is the EDIH Thuringia?

The vision of a digital and green European Union shall be fostered by establishing a unionwide network of European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIHs).
The European Digital Innovation Hub Thuringia incorporates this vision and these services as a consortium, coordinated by Bauhaus.Mobility (Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Verkehrssystemplanung) including the members Bauhaus Weiterbildungsakademie Weimar e.V., BPV Consult GmbH, highQ Computerlösungen GmbH, NT Neue Technologien AG, Technische Universität Ilmenau (Thüringer Innovationszentrum Mobilität, Thüringer Zentrum für Lernende Systeme und Robotik) and WeLoveApps GmbH.
As EDIH Thuringia, we provide services, such as
- training programmes
- experimentation facilities
- financial consulting
- innovation ecosystems
- funding consultancy
that support public organisations as well as private companies in their digital transformation processes.
Benefit from our diverse offerings.
We focus on the mobility, logistics and energy sectors. We act as a regional one-stop shop for the digital transformation in Central Germany and provide interdisciplinary expertise on the application of artificial intelligence, high performance computing, cybersecurity and digital skill training.