Hub information
EDIH Title
Geographical scope

Europe is at the beginning of biggest transformation in history, and it is all based on understanding that the way we use limited natural resources for maintaining and improving our living standard in Europe and in the world has come to an end. It is crucial to start improving business and society but to do it on more sustainable and innovative way through digital and green transformation. Based on this notion the crucial aspect that we don’t have is time but on the other hand through all data it shows that knowledge, infrastructure, and experience is existing, but it is insufficiently connected, facilitated and focused throughout Europe and this is why we need more networked approach. In that context we see European Digital Innovation Hub (EDIH) CROBOHUB ++ as an ecosystem of excellence that is specialized in three key areas of the Digital European Program (DEP): 1. Artificial intelligence, 2. Cybersecurity, 3. High-performance computing. Our intention is to form the core of a coherent package of services that will support SMEs that intend to harness the digital and green transformation with focus on the following sectors: 1. Manufacturing industry, 2. Digitized agriculture, 3. Energy and environment as well as to help 4. Public administration to become more agile and data driven. EDIH CROBOHUB++ will be a non-for-profit hub acting in the NUTS2 region HR04 "Continental Croatia" with national scope. The support will be provided in the following technologies: Blockchain, Computer vision, Digital simulations, Embedded control and automation systems, IoT, Robotics and Smart sensors. The support will take the form of various types of services as Financial and business consulting, Knowledge and technology transfer, Pre-investment testing: integration and adaptation of technologies, digital testing, demonstration activities, Networking between companies or with users and technology suppliers and training&skills development in different digital&busines competencies.
Coordinator information
Coordinator address
Unska 3
10000 Zagreb
Coordinator Business name
Coordinator Legal name
Coordinator department
Market and services
Contact Name | Role | Country | Address | Business Name | Legal Name | Participant Type | Website |
Davorka Moslavac Forjan | Partner | Croatia | Unska 3, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia | ICENT | INOVACIJSKI CENTAR NIKOLA TESLA | REC | |
Jelena Starčević | Partner | Croatia | Rooseveltov trg 2, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia | HGK | CROATIAN CHAMBER OF ECONOMY CCE | REC | |
Leo Mrsic | Partner | Croatia | Ilica 242, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia | ALGEBRA | VISOKO UCILISTE ALGEBRA | HES | |
Ivan Maric | Partner | Croatia | Josipa marohnica 5, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia | SRCE | SVEUCILISTE U ZAGREBU SVEUCILISNI RACUNSKI CENTAR | REC | |
Mate Kovac | Partner | Croatia | Ksaver 208, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia | HAMAG-BICRO | HRVATSKA AGENCIJA ZA MALO GOSPODARSTVO, INOVACIJE I INVESTICIJE | PUB | |
Boris Blumenschein | Partner | Croatia | Kozarceva 48 a, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia | InfoDom | INFODOM DOO | PRC | |