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European Digital Innovation Hubs Network

Business networking for digital transformation

Business networking for digital transformation
Published at 03 September 2024 | Spain

General details

EDIHs involved


Customer type: SME
Customer size: Micro (1-9)

Services provided
Networking and access to innovation ecosystems
Support to find investment
Artificial Intelligence & Decision support
Travel and tourism
Metal working and industrial production
Public administration


The "Networking Empresarial Aldealab" event was organised to facilitate connections between the entities within the Aldealab community, a space in Cáceres (Extremadura, Spain) dedicated to innovation and entrepreneurship, offering resources and support for SMEs and entrepreneurs in their early stages. The aim was to foster collaboration, joint growth, and the creation of new business opportunities among entities that, despite being housed in the same building, had not had the opportunity to interact. This event also served as a platform to present the services that Fundecyt-PCTEX offers through the European Digital Innovation Hub (EDIH). Additionally, it showcased the support provided by its specialised technical team to companies and presented the types of funding available. The event also detailed the main working verticals of the EDIH, focusing on improving the digital maturity of SMEs by addressing specific technological challenges.

The main challenge addressed by the networking event was how to effectively connect companies within the Aldealab community to foster collaboration, promote the adoption of advanced technologies such as AI, and secure the necessary funding to support their digital transformation.


The main objective of the event was to connect the companies housed in Aldealab. The event was organised by EXTREMADURA EDIH T4E: Tech for Efficiency and took place in one of the multiple meeting rooms available at the Aldealab space. This event followed a structured agenda. It began with an introduction in which the EDIHEvent poster with programme coordinator described the role of Fundecyt-PCTEX as a regional agent whose mission is to connect companies with technological centres and university research groups. It was noted that these groups often require support in business aspects, a gap that Fundecyt-PCTEX helps to fill. Additionally, two other EDIH technicians were present to answer questions and facilitate the event. Alongside various business support instruments, the mission as an EDIH was presented. The available types of funding were explained, with special emphasis on the FEDER funds, which are channelled through the Government of Extremadura via open funding calls, known as PADIH (Support Programme for Digital Innovation Hubs). The PADIH Programme allows SMEs to reduce financial risks by funding the necessary expenses for research, development, and preliminary testing of new technological innovations. Thanks to the use of public resources, SMEs have the opportunity to implement technologies that optimise operational efficiency, reduce costs, and open up new market opportunities. After the EDIH presentation, the event moved on to the participation round for attendees. The event continued with the identification of technological needs, matchmaking for business solutions, and discussions on funding opportunities. 

Results and Benefits

The event brought together a total of 16 participants, including 13 company representatives and 3 technicians from Fundecyt-PCTEX.Networking Aldealab

The presentation by Fundecyt-PCTEX, as the EDIH coordinator, provided an overview of the role of FUNDECYT-PCTEX and the Digital Innovation Hub (DIH), highlighting the support available for digital transformation and innovation.

The remaining 13 representatives from the various entities based in Aldealab shared their specific technological challenges and needs, allowing the organisers to identify areas where support was required.

This session facilitated direct interactions between companies, fostering collaboration and identifying potential partnerships to address the previously identified technological challenges.

Participants were introduced to the various funding opportunities available through programmes like PADIH, helping them understand how to secure financial support for their digital transformation projects.

The event successfully identified key technological needs, particularly in AI-driven content creation, process automation improvements, and the implementation of digital solutions in rural areas.

Perceived social/economic impact

The event has the potential to significantly impact the digital transformation of SMEs within the Aldealab community by providing them with the tools, knowledge, and funding necessary to leverage AI technologies and improve their operational efficiency. This, in turn, can contribute to sustainable economic growth and enhanced competitiveness in the region.

Such events help build a more robust innovation ecosystem by connecting different stakeholders, including entrepreneurs, educational institutions, and government bodies.

By promoting the adoption of advanced technologies like artificial intelligence and cybersecurity, these events help accelerate the digital transformation of local businesses.

Networking events facilitate the creation of new business opportunities and the formation of strategic alliances, which can lead to the development of new projects and the expansion of local companies.

These events create a conducive environment for entrepreneurship by providing a space for entrepreneurs to share their ideas, receive feedback, and find potential partners and investors.

Measurable data

Number of Participants: 13 company representatives.

New Collaboration Opportunities: 6 potential collaborations and project ideas were identified during the event.

Some examples:

New collaboration opportunities were directly identified from the interactions and proposals discussed during the event. On one hand, the EDIH identified a potential collaboration between a tourism sector company present at the event and another entity within the Extremadura ecosystem. 

Fundecyt-PCTEX offered support to another company that expressed interest in establishing a headquarters in Extremadura, which represents a direct collaboration to facilitate the company’s expansion in the region. 

Another attendee highlighted their ability to offer advanced legal and cybersecurity services to local companies, opening up multiple opportunities for collaboration. 

Another entity offered to provide services within the context of the DIH, supporting other companies in their digital transformation. 

Within the framework of a smart villages project, another entity saw potential for collaboration with other technological and rural development companies that Fundecyt-PCTEX proposed. 

Additionally, a special session was proposed to address co-financing and project management. Furthermore, training needs were identified across all entities in artificial intelligence and process automation.

Lessons learned


  • Facilitate Open Dialogue: Encourage open discussions to accurately identify the technological needs and challenges of the participating companies.

  • Provide Tailored Solutions: Develop and offer training and support programs focused on AI-driven digital content creation and process automation, addressing the specific needs expressed by participants.

  • Ensure Comprehensive Funding Support: Provide detailed guidance on accessing relevant funding opportunities to support the digital transformation of SMEs.

  • Promote Continuous Engagement: Implement a follow-up process to maintain engagement with participants and ensure they take advantage of the solutions and funding opportunities presented.


  • Neglect Networking Opportunities: Avoid underestimating the importance of networking; ensure there is sufficient time for participants to interact and build relationships.

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