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European Digital Innovation Hubs Network

Raising awareness of using ChatGPT in the corporate context - PSO

Raising awareness of using ChatGPT in the corporate context - PSO
Published at 16 April 2024 | Germany

General details

EDIHs involved


Niederrheinische IHK Duisburg-Wesel-Kleve LOGO
Customer type: PSO
Customer size: Medium (50-249)

Services provided
Training and skills development
Artificial Intelligence & Decision support
Construction & Assembly


The Niederrheinische IHK Duisburg-Wesel-Kleve is a chamber of commerce representing the interests of various companies in the Niederrhein region.

ChatGPT has sparked a wave of discussion about the use of artificial intelligence in companies and beyond, which has led to general curiosity among the  IHK Niederrhein staff. The stakeholders felt the need to talk about the technology and explore whether and what possible applications exist. It has become clear that employees do not automatically know how to use this tool effectively.  Even though many employees were aware of possible advantages of ChatGPT, there was a considerable lack of knowledge about how to get the best results and uncertainty about the correct use. Although ChatGPT offers considerable advantages in its application, there is also a risk of uncontrolled use and unintentional disclosure of internal company information. This is particularly important for companies within Europe, as they are bound by data protection and privacy principles. Employees at EJOT were aware of this, which led to a fear of using the tool in violation of these principles.


Webinars, information events and/or workshops on the topic of ChatGPT were held as part of the awareness-raising process. These included an introduction to the topic of artificial intelligence, including an attempt to define it, an explanation of the technical functionality of ChatGPT, a detailed exchange on the topic of "prompt engineering" and general data protection and security information.

More than 80 people took part in the information event and the subsequent workshops at the “Industrie- und Handelskammer (IHK) Niederrhein”. 

As the employees there are also in direct contact with companies and support them, they act as multipliers. Qualifying employees to use ChatGPT appropriately can save resources by automating processes withing the company. The initial effort necessary to train employees is small compared to the benefits the companies gain from their employees using ChatGPT competently.

Results and Benefits

Employees within IHK now possess a more comprehensive understanding of the operational mechanisms of ChatGPT, as well as a nuanced awareness of the potential advantages and risks associated with its use in a corporate setting. This enhanced comprehension empowers them to make more informed evaluations regarding the suitability of different application domains. By discerning which domains entail minimal risks and which ones may pose higher levels of concern, employees can exercise a discerning approach to the integration of ChatGPT into various workflows. 

Furthermore, these participants have acquired the capacity to serve as catalysts for disseminating knowledge and fostering awareness among their colleagues. Acting as multipliers, they can play a pivotal role in enlightening other team members or companies about the intricacies of ChatGPT, ensuring that a collective consciousness regarding its functionalities and implications is cultivated within the organisation. This not only contributes to a more informed and vigilant workforce but also establishes a collaborative atmosphere where employees actively engage in discussions and knowledge-sharing regarding the responsible and effective use of ChatGPT in the corporate landscape.

Perceived social/economic impact

The use of ChatGPT harbours both opportunities and risks. In specific areas, this tool can significantly increase productivity, provided that special attention is paid to the protection of internal company information according to the European General Data Protection Regulation. Giving employees an understanding of the technical functionality and capabilities of ChatGPT enables them to explore potentially new application domains on their own. It also allows employees to feels more secure in their use of ChatGPT and alleviates their fears of accidentally causing negative consequences because of their lack of knowledge about the technology. 

In the future, local installations or solutions could also be implemented to open up additional potential. Webinars, information events and workshops – such as the ones held – are one way for companies and employees to understand the possibilities opened up by artificial intelligence such as ChatGPT. Based on this understanding, companies can therefore weigh up whether further involvement in the field of AI is conceivable and useful, which could potentially lead to a massive increase in their productivity.

Measurable data

At IHK Niederrhein, a total of 80 participants took part in the information event, which were then divided into four workshops in which prompt engineering was taught. One of these workshops was aimed at advanced learners, the other three dealt with the basics of prompt engineering.

DMA score and results - Stage 0

The Niederrheinische IHK on the other hand (overall score: 64 %, moderately advanced) performed very well in the dimension of Digital Strategy and Investments (100 %). Their weaknesses were mostly related to Green Digitalisation (27 %), Interoperability (50 %) and Data Management and Security (53 %). Still, they did not fall behind compared to other economic affairs in Germany and outperformed compared to the average economic affair in the EU.

DMA score and results – Stage 1

Not yet performed.

Lessons learned

In the course of implementation, it has been shown that information events and webinars – and to a limited extent workshops – in the domain of ChatGPT are highly scalable and transferable to different target groups. For example, both multipliers and employees in companies can benefit from the knowledge imparted. Although a webinar or an information event undoubtedly offers a comprehensive overview, the importance of practical examples and the concrete application of ChatGPT cannot be ignored in order to enable more sustainable learning.  

It has become apparent that workshops in which the inputs (prompt engineering) and outputs regarding ChatGPT are discussed with the participants enable an even better understanding and more effective learning. Albeit it is more time-consuming, it makes further sense to put the participants in a position to interact directly with ChatGPT. In such scenarios, participants have the opportunity to immediately apply the knowledge they have acquired and test it in a real environment. This not only deepens the understanding of how ChatGPT works, but also promotes a practical examination of the challenges and opportunities associated with integrating this technology.

Even if basic knowledge about the use of ChatGPT has been taught, it turned out that companies should formulate clear guidelines for the use of ChatGPT – at best in advance – in order to define (at least roughly) which uses of ChatGPT should be permitted or generally prohibited. Overall, EDIHs can provide support in the development of these guidelines.

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