- Publication date
- 1 February 2024
Europe is the world's primary tourist destination, and European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIH) can play a significant role in guiding the digital, sustainable, and secure transition of the sector, following the transition pathway co-created by the European Commission with the industry and civil society for a resilient, green, and digital tourism ecosystem. This encourages:
- Investment in the circular economy to reduce energy consumption, waste, water usage, and pollution while meeting the growing demand for sustainable tourism.
- Improvement of data-sharing practices to enable new innovative tourist services and enhance sustainable destination management.
- Stimulation of skill development to ensure a qualified workforce and attractive careers.
For this reason, a group of EDIHs gathered to develop a TWG that facilitates collaboration among them, to share experiences, best practices, and use cases in the tourism sector. As moderator, ARTES 5.0 has proposed to focus the TWG activities on two key elements:
- Sharing best practices and use cases related to EDIH activities (TBI, Skills and Training, E&N, SFI).
- Organizing events to promote initiatives at the European level.
The program is subject to future integrations, agreed upon with TWG participants to enhance collaboration with other EDIHs.
The next WG meeting will be announced on this page
Previous meetings and activities
The second online meeting, Webinar in collaboration with the AI4PA WG, took place on 11/07/2024.
The kick-off meeting took place the 18th of April.
Participants in the TWG Tourism
The initiative will involve:
- EDIHs operating in the tourism sector.
- European and national institutions and representative intermediaries in the sector: European Commission (e.g., DG Grow), national tourism ministries, agencies (e.g., ETC), representative associations (e.g., HOTREC), etc.
If your EDIH is interested in participating or you require further information, please contact:
- Digital Transformation Accelerator Team (for participation only):
EDIH moderating member: Nicola Bianchi, EDI.IT member of ARTES 5.0 Restart Italy EDIH, e-mail:
Please note that all the necessary documents of the WG are available for logged in users.