Hub information
EDIH Title
Geographical scope

CETMA-DIHSME is the EDIH promoted and managed by CETMA, a non-profit RTO with 30 years of experience in innovation services to SMEs in Southern Italy. In order to strengthen assistance to SMEs with skills, expertise and tools according to a ‘one stop shop’ logic, CETMA involved 13 other partners in the Hub’s service offering.
Its activities are strongly focused on the local socio-economic reality (Puglia and Basilicata) where the partners are strongly rooted.
CETMA-DIHSME vision is that AI, HPC and CS technologies can bring significant benefits to the development of the Territory, but this requires that anything local actors are involved such as PA and SMEs, even the smallest and even those operating in more traditional sectors.
Based on the experience of CETMA and analysis of innovation experts, CETMA-DIHSME starts from the consideration that to foster innovation in small businesses, in addition to "problem solving" services (technology consulting, research, engineering, etc.), it is necessary to support SMEs with "problem setting" services (strategic analysis, business planning, fundraising, supply chain relations, etc.).
For this reason, the EDIH CETMA-DIHSME provides an integrated offering of business and strategy-setting services and technological services.
We offer services for: awareness building; assistance for strategic setting; testing and development, such as feasibility studies, simulations, development of artificial intelligence applications, testing and optimization of prototypes; testing and development in operating environments.
Attention is also dedicated to fundraising support and customised training
CETMA-DIHSME aims to trigger synergies with the relevant opportunities offered by regional, national, and European innovation policies and funding and other innovation operators affecting the same territory. It also wants to exploit the great opportunities of the creation of a structured network of EDIH to promote cohesion between European territories to take advantage of social, economic, and environmental benefits.
Coordinator information
Coordinator address
Strada statale 7 appia km 706+030 snc
72100 Cittadella della ricerca brindisi BR
Coordinator Business name
Coordinator Legal name
Market and services
Contact Name | Role | Country | Address | Business Name | Legal Name | Participant Type | Website |
Irma Giulia Iurlaro | Partner | Italy | Via palestrina 25, 00189 Roma, Italy | CIA | CIAOTECH Srl | PRC | |
Milena Grazia Rita Sinigallia | Partner | Italy | Via gramsci, 89/91, 71100 Foggia, Italy | DARE | DISTRETTO AGROALIMENTARE REGIONALE SCRL | OTH | |
Andrea Stella | Partner | Italy | Via g. agnelli, sn, 75100 Matera, Italy | DIG | DIGIMAT SPA | PRC | |
Angelo Mariano | Partner | Italy | Lungotevere grande ammiraglio thaon di revel 76, 00196 Roma, Italy | ENE | AGENZIA NAZIONALE PER LE NUOVE TECNOLOGIE, L'ENERGIA E LO SVILUPPO ECONOMICO SOSTENIBILE | REC | |
Paolo Galloso | Partner | Italy | Via veglie sn, km 2, 73045 Leverano, Italy | GMT | GMT SUD | PRC | |
Pietro Aleardo Siciliano | Partner | Italy | Via monteroni (campus ecotekne c/o cnr), 73100 Lecce, Italy | INN | INNOVAAL Aggregazione Pubblico-Privata per l'Active & Assisted Living Società Consortile a responsabilità limitata | PUB | |
Cinzia Lagioia | Partner | Italy | Via crispi 5, 70122 Bari, Italy | PUG | ASSOCIAZIONE DISTRETTO PRODUTTIVO PUGLIA CREATIVA | OTH | |
Antonella Caputo | Partner | Italy | Viale colleoni 3, 20041 Agrate brianza, Italy | SEC | SECURE NETWORK SRL | PRC | |
Giorgia Eranio | Partner | Italy | Via pareto 8 ar, 16129 Genova ge, Italy | STA | STAM SRL | PRC | |
Erminio Efisio Riezzo | Partner | Italy | Via benedetto croce 62, 00142 Roma rm, Italy | SYS | SYSMAN PROGETTI & SERVIZI SRL | PRC | |
Annamaria Annicchiarico | Partner | Italy | Strada prov le per casamassima km 3 parco tecnopolis, 70010 Valenzano, Italy | TEC | TECNOPOLIS PARCO SCIENTIFICO E TECNOLOGICO SCARL | REC | |
Salvatore Modeo | Partner | Italy | Via corte dei mesagnesi, 30, 73100 Lecce, Italy | TQC | TQC SRLS | PRC | |
Antonio Ficarella | Partner | Italy | Piazza tancredi 7, 73100 Lecce, Italy | UNISALENTO | UNIVERSITA DEL SALENTO | HES | |
- | Associated | Italy | Via gaetano negri 1, 20123 Milano, Italy | TIM | TELECOM ITALIA SPA | PRC | |