Hub information
EDIH Title
Geographical scope

The Hungarian DATA EDIH will actively facilitate the digital transformation of the SMEs, small mid-caps, and public sector organisations in Hungary, with a general focus on data-related services and industrial focus on the health industry.
The DATA EDIH consortium represents high academic and practical technical/business development competence, wide domestic and international network and mature EU grant and PM experience. The most challenging DESI dimensions for Hungary remain the Integration of digital technology and digital public services, where attitude, mindset and competence obstacles occur besides financial ones. DATA EDIH will provide trainings, technical and financial services on both catching up and advanced levels.
The activity of DATA EDIH will be built on existing elements of innovation ecosystem, so the interconnectivity and coordination of the system elements with the other EDIHs in Hungary creates a mature and cost-effective status to implement the planned project.
Coordinator information
Coordinator address
Rákóczi út 70-72. 6. em.
Coordinator Business name
Coordinator Legal name
Coordinator department
Market and services
Contact Name | Role | Country | Address | Business Name | Legal Name | Participant Type | Website |
Laszlo Kovacs | Partner | Hungary | Budapest, Muegyetem rakpart 3, 1111, Hungary | Budapest University of Technology and Economics | Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem | HES | |
Arnold Pinter | Partner | Hungary | Debrecen, Egyetem ter 1, 4032, Hungary | University of Debrecen | Debreceni Egyetem | HES | |
Adam Tarcsi | Partner | Hungary | Budapest, Pazmany peter setany 1 c, 1117, Hungary | ELTE-Soft Nonprofit Kft | ELTE-Soft Kutatás-Fejlesztő Nonprofit Kft | REC | |
Peter Nagy | Partner | Hungary | Budapest, Bajcsy-zsilinszky ut 12., 1051, Hungary | HTEnet Innovaciós Nonprofit Kft. | HTEnet Innovaciós Nonprofit Kft. | REC | |
Katalin Kasa | Partner | Hungary | Budapest, Keleti karoly utca 5-7, 1024, Hungary | HCSO | Hungarian Central Statistical Office | PUB | |
Zemplenyi Antal | Partner | Hungary | Pecs, Vasvari pal utca 4, 7622, Hungary | UP | Pécsi Tudományegyetem - University of Pécs | HES | |
Miklos Szocska | Partner | Hungary | Budapest, Ulloi utca 26, 1085, Hungary | Semmelweis University | Semmelweis Egyetem | HES | |
Uhrinyi Tamás | Partner | Hungary | Budapest, Bókay János utca 36-42., 1083, Hungary | Nemzeti Adatvagyon Ügynökség Kft. | Nemzeti Adatvagyon Ügynökség Kft. | PUB | |