Hub information
EDIH Title
Geographical scope

Mission of the project EDIH CASSOVIUM (EDCASS) is to support reinforcement of European critical digital technologies and their best use in green digital transformation of industrial and public ecosystems in the region of the Eastern Slovakia Region (ESK-REG). Consortium of three top-research and innovation institutions in ESK-REG – two internationally recognised universities Technical University in Košice (coordinator) and Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, and a highly recognised ICT cluster Košice IT Valley. ESK-REG consisting of Košice Self-governing Region and Prešov Self-governing Region, which in European context are classified as “less developing regions” has low level of innovation score and use of digital services, also low an unemployment rate (of 8.2 %) and level of average wages. Therefore, it is important that EDCASS ensures its digital transformation services are easily accessible to all SMEs (95+ % of all companies in ESK-REG) and public institutions. The key goal of EDCASS is to provide one-stop-shop support for four categories of EDIH services with an adequate, knowledge-based, and technically high-quality range of information technologies guaranteed by the ecosystem of the consortium partners. The consortium covers a wide range of multi-sectors and multi-dimensional ICT areas, which fall within research and educational competencies of all partners. EDCASS platform is based on three basic pillars: 1) Artificial Intelligence and Robotics; 2) Industry 4.0/5.0 concepts, application and implementation; 3) Cyber security solutions for commercial and public subjects. In line with its mission, these services and technologies are and will be supported by active links to European DIH, EDIH networks and other European networks (EEN, Startup Europe) and bilateral collaboration with suitable partner research and innovation institutions.
Coordinator information
Coordinator address
Letná 1/9
042 00 Košice
Coordinator Business name
Coordinator Legal name
Coordinator department
Market and services
Contact Name | Role | Country | Address | Business Name | Legal Name | Participant Type | Website |
Gabriel Semanisin | Partner | Slovakia | Srobarova 2, 04180 Kosice, Slovakia | Pavol Jozef Safarik University in Kosice | Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Safarika v Kosiciach | HEI | |
Miriama Huckova | Partner | Slovakia | Letna 9, 040 01 Kosice, Slovakia | Kosice IT Valley | Kosice IT Valley, z.p.o. | Cluster | |