Hub information
EDIH Title
Geographical scope

Futures of Innovation Technologies European Digital Innovation Hub (FIT EDIH) in the Centru Region, in Romania (NUTS2-RO12) is a coordinated group of 12 organizations, with complementary expertise, resulting from the merger of two EDIH consortia based in the region, that have successfully passed the national selection stage, namely FIT EDIH (ICE, UMFST, ASIMCOV, AICAR, BMA, CNIPMMR, ALT BV) and Leveraging Administration and Business for a Smart Community - DIH-LAB4COM (ULBS, ROPARDO, AIDA, SFR and NTT (AE)).
FIT EDIH's primary specializations are (1) Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Big-Data based systems and (2) Key Enabling Technologies (KET), aiming to increase the digital maturity level of 131 SMEs and Public Service Organizations (PSOs) in 3 main application domains, correlated with the Centru region’s 2021-2027 RIS3 Smart Specialization Strategy:
- Smart City,
- Manufacturing,
- eHealth.
In order to address the needs of Centru Region’s SMEs and Public Service Organizations (PSOs), who currently have a basic level of digitalization at best, while also setting up the premises for advanced digital transformation of their organization, FIT EDIH has created 3 Curriculum Tracks for each of the 3 Application Domains it targets, focusing on promoting both basic and advanced technologies and curating the themes and activities of its 4 core services (WP1 Innovation Ecosystem, WP2 Test Before Invest, WP3 Skills and WP4 Access to Finance). FIT EDIH's flexible yet ambitious approach goes further - to offering SMEs and PSOs 3 different client journeys, FIT EDIH Awareness Level, Basic Level and Advanced Digital Transformation.
Coordinator information
Coordinator address
str Mihail Sadoveanu nr 6
500030 Brasov
Coordinator Business name
Coordinator Legal name
Coordinator department
Market and services
Contact Name | Role | Country | Address | Business Name | Legal Name | Participant Type | Website |
Nicoleta Suciu | Partner | Romania | Street gheorghe marinescu 38, 540139 Targu mures, Romania | UMFST | UNIVERSITATEA DE MEDICINA, FARMACIE, STIINTE SI TEHNOLOGIE "GEORGE EMIL PALADE" DIN TARGU MURES | HES | |
Bogdan-Constantin Pirvu | Partner | Romania | Bd victoriei 10, 550024 Sibiu, Romania | ULBS | UNIVERSITATEA LUCIAN BLAGA DIN SIBIU | HES | |
Dragos Florin David | Partner | Romania | Bulevard eroilor 8 cam 200, 500007 Brasov, Romania | BMA | AGENTIA METROPOLITANA PENTRU DEZVOLTARE DURABILA BRASOV ASOCIATIA | OTH | |
Lajos Vajda | Partner | Romania | Str presei nr 4/9, 520009 Sfintu gheorghe, Romania | ASIMCOV | ASOCIATIA INTREPRINDERILOR MICI SIMIJLOCII COVASNA | OTH | |
Ciprian Candea | Partner | Romania | Str reconstructiei 2a, 550129 Sibiu, Romania | ROPARDO | ROPARDO SRL | PRC | |
Eniko Matyus | Partner | Romania | Presei no.4, 520064 Sfantu gheorghe, Romania | AICAR | Asociatia Incubatoarelor si Centrelor de Afaceri din Romania (AICAR) | OTH | |
Denisa Elena Samek | Partner | Romania | Piata walter maracineanu 1-3 intrarea 1 etaj 1, 010155 Bucuresti, Romania | CNIPMMR | CONSILIUL NATIONAL AL INTREPRINDERILOR PRIVATE MICI SI MIJLOCII DIN ROMANIA ASOCIATIE | OTH | |
Maria-Elena Seemann | Partner | Romania | Calea motilor 5a, 510134 Alba iulia, Romania | AIDA | Alba Iulia Intercommunity Association for Development - AIDA | REC | |
Raluca Lucat | Partner | Romania | Lunga street nr. 100, 500058 Brasov, Romania | ALT Brasov | Asociatia Cluster pentru Inovare si Tehnologie | REC | |
Bogdan-Constantin Pirvu | Partner | Romania | Strada emil cioran, nr. 4, sala ie 105, 550025 Sibiu, Romania | SFR | ASOCIATIA SMART FACTORY ROMANIA - FABRICA INTELIGENTA ROMANIA | OTH | |
Andrei Rusu | Affiliated | Romania | Strada constanta nr. 19-21, 400158 Cluj-napoca, Romania | NTT | NTT DATA ROMANIA SA | PRC | |