Hub information
EDIH Title
Geographical scope

Hamburg is not only an important european logistics and business location, but also an award-winning "Smart City" in the sense of an European innovation metropolis. In its function in the metropolitan region of Hamburg, it fulfills an important economic, but also geographic bundling function, in which intermodal transport, logistics, industry, and (public and private) infrastructure providers are concentrated in a confined space and interact with each other. The EDIH4UrbanSAVE "EDIH for urban interconnected supply and value Ecosystems" will be both aligned with the specific economic and geographic conditions of the location and its needs in the future, as well as developed in line with innovation policy in accordance with the Smart Specialization and Regional Innovation Strategy (RIS3) of the metropolitan region. In particular, the requirements for critical infrastructure will change considerably, so that new technological solutions must be evaluated and implemented, whether in the area of cybersecurity, AI, HPC, or digitalization. This is exactly where the portfolio and network of the Hamburg EDIH comes in: Provide services that will enable the ecosystem to invest in these technological solutions, let it be, new traffic and logistics concepts, which will be supplemented by, for example, autonomous vehicles or also drone technologies, or also innovative autonomous logistics node concepts. Thus, the EDIH services will supply specific formats that will combine the technological areas with use cases and requirements of these innovations. Due to the well established beneficiaries, the Hamburg EDIH consortium has sufficient maturity to establish the innovation ecosystem at the location in a target-oriented manner and to comprehensively map the role of an EDIH required by the EU. Years of working in the innovation ecosystem of the metropolitan provides the project partners with experience and target group access.
Coordinator information
Operational contact information
Coordinator address
Vogt-Koelln-Strasse 30
22527 Hamburg
Coordinator Business name
Coordinator Legal name
Coordinator department
Market and services
Contact Name | Role | Country | Address | Business Name | Legal Name | Participant Type | Website |
Alois Krtil | Partner | Germany | Van-der-smissen-strasse 9, 22767 Hamburg, Germany | Artificial Intelligence Center Hamburg (ARIC) e.V. | Artificial Intelligence Center Hamburg (ARIC) e.V. | REC | |
Erik Petruschke | Partner | Germany | Am Sandtorkai 32, 20457 Hamburg, Germany | DIGITAL HUB LOGISTICS | DIGITAL HUB LOGISTICS GMBH | PRC | |
Ruediger Weissbach | Partner | Germany | Berliner tor 5, 20099 Hamburg, Germany | HAW HAMBURG | HOCHSCHULE FUR ANGEWANDTE WISSENSCHAFTEN HAMBURG | HES | |
Meike Schroeder | Partner | Germany | Am schwarzenberg campus 1, 21073 Hamburg, Germany | TUHH | TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITAT HAMBURG | HES | |
Elke Miersch | Partner | Germany | Holstenwall 12, 20355 Hamburg, Germany | Handwerkskammer Hamburg | Handwerkskammer Hamburg | PUB | |
Florian Vogt | Affiliated | Germany | Neuer Wall 71, 20354 Hamburg, Germany | IKS Hamburg | Innovation Contact Service (IKS) Hamburg | PUB | |
Stephanie von Riegen | Partner | Germany | Vogt-Kölln-Str. 30, 22527 Hamburg, Germany | HITeC e.V. | Hamburger Informatik Technologie-Center e.V. | REC | |