Hub information
EDIH Title
Geographical scope

Digital health can make healthcare safer and more efficient, and provide high-quality care. For digital health to reach its potential, it is vital that innovators and providers gain from the benefits of health data. EDIH Health Data Sweden (HDS) will support this by providing services that enable SMEs and the public sector to improve health data use, while also improving access to it. With a mature ecosystem of 16 partners active in the field, HDS will contribute to secure digital health services of the future, with focus on health data and high-quality, accessible and sustainable healthcare/welfare services for European citizens. HDS integrates two EDIH candidates (HDS and Health Innovation of Sweden) from Stage 1 of the call into one with a nationwide system of services for SMEs, small mid-caps and the public sector. The aim is to cover the complete value chain in digital health, allowing users to benefit by covering entry-level users and services related to health data as well as more complex development aimed at preparing for future development of the field. HDS is a hub composed of regions, universities, innovation hubs, research institutes, and science parks, all playing a leading role in Swedish and European healthcare: KTH Royal Institute of Technology (KTH, coordinator); Blekinge Digital Health Blue Science Park (BDH); Bron Innovation (BI); Compare/DigitalWell Arena (DWA); EIT Digital (EITD; EIT Health Scandinavian CLC (EITH); Halmstad University/Leap for Life (HU); Karolinska Institutet (KI); Linnaeus University (LNU); Livsmedicin Region Västerbotten (LM); Region Stockholm (RS); Region Kalmar län/ eHealth Arena (eHA); Stockholm University (SU); Stockholm Science City (SSCi); STUNS Life Science (STUNS) and Uppsala University (UU). The goal is to have 1700 Swedish and 200 European SMEs/mid-caps, and 455 Swedish and 95 public-sector organisations utilising our services by end of the 3-year project.
Coordinator information
Coordinator address
Brinellvagen 8
100 44 Stockholm
Coordinator Business name
Coordinator Legal name
Coordinator department
Market and services
Contact Name | Role | Country | Address | Business Name | Legal Name | Participant Type | Website |
Jenny Thalin | Partner | Sweden | Sommargatan 101a, 656 37 Karlstad, Sweden | DWA | Stiftelsen Compare Karlstad Competence Area | OTH | |
Anna Maria Mårtensson | Partner | Sweden | Kristian ivs vag 3, 301 18 Halmstad, Sweden | HU | HOGSKOLAN I HALMSTAD | HES | |
Sofia Seifarth | Partner | Sweden | Strömgatan 13, 391 26 Kalmar, Sweden | eHealth Arena Kalmar Län eHA | Region Kalmar län | PUB | |
Kenth Söderström | Partner | Sweden | Koksvagen 11, 901 89 Umea, Sweden | Livsmedicin Region Västerbotten LM | REGION VASTERBOTTEN | PUB | |
Lars Persson Skandevall | Partner | Sweden | Storgatan 73, 852 33 Sundsvall, Sweden | BI | Bron Innovation AB | REC | |
Evalill Nilsson | Partner | Sweden | Linnaeus university, 35195 Vaxjo, Sweden | LNU | LINNEUNIVERSITETET | HES | |
Jorgen Adolfsson | Partner | Sweden | Campus gräsvik 2, 371 75 Karlskrona, Sweden | Blekinge Digital Health Blue Science Park BDH | Blue Science Park ( svb ) AB | OTH | |
Annika Szabo Portela | Partner | Sweden | Torsgatan 11 8tr, 11123 Stockholm, Sweden | EITH | EIT HEALTH SCANDINAVIAN CLC | OTH | |
Maria Hagglund | Partner | Sweden | Von kraemers alle 4, 751 05 Uppsala, Sweden | UU | UPPSALA UNIVERSITET | HES | |
Paul Johannesson | Partner | Sweden | Universitetsvagen 10, 10691 Stockholm, Sweden | SU | STOCKHOLMS UNIVERSITET | HES | |
Sabine Koch | Partner | Sweden | Nobels vag 5, 17177 Stockholm, Sweden | KI | KAROLINSKA INSTITUTET | HES | |
Mikael Långström | Partner | Sweden | Torsgatan 11, 111 23 Stockholm, Sweden | EITD | EIT Digital Sweden | OTH | |
Filippa Kull | Partner | Sweden | Wenner-gren center, sveavägen 166, 12 tr, 113 46 Stockholm, Sweden | SSCi | STIFTELSEN VETENSKAPSSTADEN | OTH | |
Bjorn Arvidsson | Partner | Sweden | Uppsala science park, 751 83 Uppsala, Sweden | STUNS | STIFTELSEN FOR SAMVERKAN MELLAN UNIVERSITETEN I UPPSALA - NARINGSLIV OCH SAMHALLE, STUNS | PRC | |
Clara Hellner | Partner | Sweden | Hantverkargatan 45, 104 22 Stockholm, Sweden | RS | REGION STOCKHOLM | PUB | |