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European Digital Innovation Hubs Network

Success Stories and Good Practices: Guidelines for EDIHs


This section contains supporting material related to the submission of Success stories and Good practices.

Identification of a Success story

Success stories refer to cases where SMEs and PSOs have effectively digitally transformed as a result of the provision of one or more services from an EDIH.

  • Clearly identified customer (SME/PSO).
  • DMA completed (preferred) and score provided.
  • Clear and sufficiently detailed description of that customer’s specific customer journey from the customer perspective (not just bullet points).
  • Storyboard (storytelling) approach used to provide a compelling and coherent narrative with a logical flow.
  • Includes measurement data that demonstrates the success achieved by the specific customer. Measurement data should link objectives with results/impact (i.e. before and after).

Identification of a Good Practice

Good practices refer to the practices, methods and knowledge used by the EDIHs to successfully deliver a service/maximise the impact of the service delivery that can be shared with other EDIHs.

  • Clearly identified practice/method/service/solution (for SMEs/PSOs).
  • Clear and sufficiently detailed description of the typical/average customer journey from a customer perspective (not just bullet points);
  • Storyboard (storytelling) approach used to provide a compelling and coherent narrative with a logical flow.
  • Includes measurement data that links objectives with expected results/impact to demonstrate how success will be measured (e.g. by EDIHs and clients). Quantitative and qualitative improvements should be measurable and clearly described.
  • Includes (where possible), 1 or more examples of the practice applied to an SME/PSO use case (real-life examples preferred).

Submission of a Success story or Good practice

In order to submit a Success story or Good practice, please follow these steps:

  1. Log into the EDIH Network portal.
  2. Go to "my EDIH" menu and click on Success stories and Good practices.
  3. Click on the "+Add new" button.
  4. Fill in the online form: Please complete the fields on the online form by following the corresponding guideline available1. Please ensure that the information included is comprehensive, compelling and coherent for the optimum understanding by the reader.
  5. Agree on the consent and veracity statements.
  6. Submit the Success story or Good practice by clicking on the "Save" button.

A detailed description of the submission process is available in the downloadable file.


Success Stories and Good Practices: Guidelines for EDIHs
(601.18 KB - PDF)