Hub information
EDIH Title
Geographical scope

InnovationAmp (Digital Innovation Hub for Data Science, HPC and AI) has been founded in Sofia, Bulgaria at the end of 2020 by 10 organizations, combining the perfect complementarity in terms of infrastructure, specialization, expertise and experience. The main objective of EDIH IA is to support on a large-scale digital transformation of the SMEs, mid-caps and public entities offering a comprehensive set of services aimed to meet the regional needs, developing and unleashing the innovative potential of SMEs, improving urban mobility, the environment and public services, in the SouthWest region of Bulgaria. The services offered are based upon strong technical and business expertise complemented with modern Artificial Intelligence, Big Data and High-Performance Computing infrastructure. The target customers are manufacturing companies working in the field of Automotive, Mechatronic and Pharma sectors prioritized in the Integrated Plan for Development of SouthWest region 2021-2027, and public entities from Sofia, Blagoevgrad, Pernik and Kyustendil municipalities. The InnovationAmp has ambition to offer 6 type of high quality services to at least 45 SMEs and public authorities by build a strong team of experts in digital and green transformation, offering access to modern infrastructure and expertise, supporting the most prominent projects with additional funding opportunities, and bridging the technology complementarities with other EDIH in a favor of regional digital and green transformation.
Coordinator information
Coordinator address
111, Tsarigradsko shose blvd., Sofia, 1784 Bulgaria
1784 Sofia