Hub information
EDIH Title
Geographical scope

The EDIH4DT hub aims to promote and support a modern, and capillary digital transformation of Public Administrations (PAs), that is a strategic objective highly recommended by both EU and Italian National Government. The mission will be pursued providing a large and qualified set of services to drive PAs towards the familiarity and use of applications founded on: Artificial Intelligence, High Performance Computing, Communication Networks and IT Security. Services in Big Data, Cloud and other digital technologies will be also available. Both Processes, Data and Services for community, citizen and enterprise will be the target of the proposed PAs innovation. The target of the EDIH4DT is manly the local Public Administration. The Italy Digital Transformation is not possible without a pervasive digital transformation of Municipalities with their huge assets of data, documents and services for citizens, communities, and enterprises, that is, a valuable patrimonium that must be qualified also to meet objectives of new green deal. Then, the EDIH4DT will provides services to administrative process digitalization; dematerialisation of documents; connection to national digital platform, network and repositories; migration of legacy archives towards interoperable and open data; and diffusion of digital citizenship. The target is the national territory; with a main focus to southern Italy, where there is the major lack of digital innovation. There are six physical, and specialized access points in Torino, Rome, Campobasso, Bari, Benevento e Cosenza; and several nodes interconnected in the EDIH4DT network. The service provisioning will be ensured by a large and well-blended set of partners. It includes: qualified institutions in research, education, and technological transfer; existing network and echo-systems of local PAs (lead coordinator is ANCI, the National Association of the Italian Municipalities); a qualified set of innovation enterprises (lead coordinator is TIM).
Coordinator information
Coordinator address
via Giulio Petroni, n. 15
70124 Bari BA
Coordinator Business name
Coordinator Legal name
Coordinator department
Market and services
Contact Name | Role | Country | Address | Business Name | Legal Name | Participant Type | Website |
Donato Impedovo | Partner | Italy | Piazza umberto I, 70121 Bari, Italy | UNIBA | UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI BARI ALDO MORO | HES | |
Tommaso Di Noia | Partner | Italy | Via amendola 126 b, 70126 Bari, Italy | POLIBA | POLITECNICO DI BARI | HES | |
Domenico Talia | Partner | Italy | Via pietro bucci 7/11/b, 87036 Arcavacata di rende, Italy | UNICAL | UNIVERSITA DELLA CALABRIA | HES | |
Marco Guarino | Partner | Italy | Via traiano palazzo ex poste snc, 82100 Benevento, Italy | CERICT | CENTRO REGIONALE INFORMATION E COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY SCARL | REC | |
Mauro Cislaghi | Partner | Italy | 6 piazza diaz armando, 20123 Milano, Italy | BV TECH SPA | BV TECH SPA | PRC | |
Caterina Cippone | Partner | Italy | Via gaetano negri 1, 20123 Milano, Italy | TIM | TELECOM ITALIA SPA | PRC | |
Felice Vitulano | Partner | Italy | Via adriano olivetti 11, 70056 Molfetta, Italy | AIS SPA AISOFTW@ARE SPA ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE SOFTWARE SPA | EXPRIVIA SPA | PRC | |
Pasquale Redavid | Partner | Italy | Vico della vittoria, 24, 70014 Conversano, Italy | gestione servizi spa | gestione servizi spa | PRC | |
Renato Mattia | Partner | Italy | Via barberini 29, 00187 Roma, Italy | ATLANTICA DIGITAL SPA | ATLANTICA DIGITAL SPA | PRC | http://WWW.ATLANTICA.IT |
Giovanni Tricarico | Partner | Italy | Viale luigi einaudi, 15, 70125 Bari, Italy | Leader società cooperativa consortile | LEADER società cooperativa consortile | HES | |
Mauro Savini | Partner | Italy | Via dei prefetti 46, 00186 Rome, Italy | ANCI | ANCI - Associazione Nazionale Comuni Italiani | OTH | |
Aniello Cimitile | Partner | Italy | Via roma 64, 86100 Campobasso, Italy | COIIM | Consorzio Interuniversitario in Ingegneria e Medicina | REC | |
Michele Lastilla | Partner | Italy | Piazza margherita di savoia, 10, 70023 Gioia del colle (ba), Italy | Rete Antenna Pon Puglia | Rete Antenna Pon Puglia | PUB | |
Fabio Polino | Partner | Italy | Via napoleone colajanni, 10, 70125 Bari, Italy | CyberSecurity S.r.l. | CyberSecurity S.r.l. | PRC | |
Francesco Bellini | Partner | Italy | Via romeo romei 27, 00136 Roma, Italy | EUROKLEIS | EUROKLEIS SRL | PRC | |
Marco Gallucci | Partner | Italy | Via durban 2/4, 00144 Roma, Italy | Roma | Safety21 S.p.A. | PRC | |
Antonello Angeleri | Partner | Italy | Via colli 1, 10128 Torino, Italy | ANFoV | A.N.Fo.V. - Associazione Nazionale per la Convergenza nei Servizi di Comunicazione | REC | |
Giovanna Stagno | Partner | Italy | Via alberico ii 33, 00193 Roma, Italy | FORUM PA | FORUM PA SRL | PRC | |