- Publication date
- 17 July 2023
Train the Trainer course on 30 August 2023 (10:00-12:00 CET) that will introduce EDIHs to the technical foundations of ChatGPT and how to make effective use of the tool, with a view to improving the ability of EDIHs to impart that knowledge to client organisations.
By introducing the concepts of weak and strong AI, the course will attempt to define the concept of AI to make it conceptually comprehensible and to enable an independent classification of the term or the technology. Within the framework of the theoretical explanations, it will become clear that a large number of governmental and private actors apply different definitions of AI, for example, in relation to the design of (societal) guidelines and recommendations for action. As a result, the field is characterised by great heterogeneity.
The course will explain the technical foundations behind ChatGPT’s AI, as well as the legal aspects of data protection and technical measures to ensure it will not be left out.
Participants will learn how to ‘talk’ to ChatGPT. By applying ‘prompt engineering’ (also known as in-context learning), the course will explain how to formulate or optimise a request made to ChatGPT, as precisely as possible, so that the AI returns the best possible results. In the first step, this Train the Trainer course will provide an understanding of how human-to-human communication differs from human-to-AI communication. As a theoretical basis, the course will use the communication square with the four levels of communication according to Schulz von Thun. Using ChatGPT as an example, the participants will learn which factors are relevant for a good ‘prompt’, in which the concept of the simulated role, the importance of the context, and any applicable restrictions and format requirements are dealt with.
The course will also explore the various areas in which ChatGPT can be used, e.g.: in information gathering; customer support; or language assistance. Participants will be shown, insofar as it is practical, how ChatGPT can be used to increase process automation and efficiency, to personalise and customise products and services, and to promote creativity.
The course will close with a Q&A session.
Course provider: EDIH Südwestfalen
To enrol in and access this course and materials, please visit the eLearning Platform and follow the steps outlined in the EDIH Academy Trainee User Guide below.