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European Digital Innovation Hubs Network
Training and workshops

Innovation Procurement for European Digital Innovation Hubs

Public procurement is an important driver for the digital transformation of public sector organisations and enterprises. As European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIH) are a bridge between public sector organisations and innovators, they are well placed to catalyse innovation procurement in their area. Many EDIHs aim to accelerate the adoption of innovative digital solutions and stimulate also public sector innovation, but are still unaware about how innovation procurement could help them achieve those goals.  

This webinar introduced innovation procurement and explained how the European Assistance For Innovation Procurement ( can help EDIHs harness it to speed up digital transformation.  Concrete examples of EDIHs that are already planning innovation procurement activities and lessons learned from successful innovation procurements were presented. The webinar also provided the opportunity for EDIHs to discuss which could be interesting innovation procurement activities to develop and how to collaborate with other EDIHs on innovation procurement.

Participants had the opportunity to ask questions before and during the webinar.

Here is the agenda of the workshop:


The video recording of this webinar can be viewed following this link: EDIH network: Innovation Procurement for European Digital Innovation Hubs - 21/09/2023 - Streaming Service of the European Commission (

For any questions or information, please contact

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