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European Digital Innovation Hubs Network

Tech meetings: Raising technological demand and collaboration in Europe

Tech meetings: Raising technological demand and collaboration in Europe
Published at 11 September 2024 | Spain

General details

EDIHs involved


EDIH logo
Customer type: SME
Customer size: Medium (50-249)

Services provided
Networking and access to innovation ecosystems
Artificial Intelligence & Decision support
NMP Non-Metallic Materials & basic processes
Food and beverages


The EDIH programme has brought new mechanisms in the innovation ecosystem, enabling many collaborations between actors of different sectors, regions and even countries. The DIH initiative faced a slow introduction and integration as part of the European innovation apparatus. DIH4CAT is coordinated by ACCIO, the Catalan innovation agency that has a large community of companies, complemented with other companies brought by other project partners. But, how to reach entities beyond the already known ecosystem in order to maximise the impact of the project? Although the effectiveness of communication, it was noted in the first activities that companies were struggling to:

  1. Understand the services available and what are the expected outcomes of each service.

  2. Understand how they could benefit of the EDIH programme to overcome their challenges at technical level.

  3. Identify the most appropriate service provider.

  4. Understand the multiple supporting bodies and funding programmes available on each EDIH.

It was necessary to assess the strategy and find new spaces where to meet with new users and get to know each other in the most effective way, being transparent and agile to keep up with companies’ pace. 

To exemplify how DIH4CAT solved this issue, we present the story of CONCENTROL, a medium-sized chemical company with over 80 years of expertise in chemical specialties, catering to a diverse range of industries across more than 80 countries. Concentrol realised that their business model was moving from selling products, to improving and monetising the services provided to its customers. This transition involves providing value-added services such as real-time technical support and proactive maintenance. Based on this approach, CONCENTROL began reaching out to potential technology providers to assist in finding suitable sensors for building a prototype of an IoT platform. After a first prototype, they realised something was still missing.


It was during IoT Solution world congress 2023 that Concentrol managed to find the path to boost its innovation processes, and it happened during different tech meetings held with DIH4CAT partners. But, what are the so called Tech meetings? Tech meetings are 20 minutes gatherings between a technical member of the DIH4CAT and a company to assess feasibility of project ideas. Before the event, participants have to register in a matchmaking platform (i.e. b2match), where they can explore who is interested and attend the event.

The organisation of the whole event, including the platform and results monitoring, is done by DIH4CAT and the EEN. Thanks to the collaboration with the EEN, it is possible not only to network with national entities, but also with international companies. Before the meeting, participants have the opportunity to exchange information to bring some information up-front to the event. The use of this platform results to be very attractive to companies as they explore other matches beyond the EDIH network.

During the tech meetings at the IOT Solutions World Congress, CONCENTROL got in contact with DIH4CAT. Two potential ideas that could be developed, one in the Advanced Manufacturing and Robotics field, and the other focused on Artificial Intelligence. Jointly with DIH4CAT's partners, CONCENTROL assessed what options and services were available to help them reach their objective. At that stage, it was very important to set the baseline of a roadmap and understand what was advised to do, the scope of the activities, a possible calendar and the process to be followed until the project could be launched. CONCENTROL and DIH4CAT agreed on two lines of work: one in line with the initial prototype and a new one based on customised training for the staff.

Results and Benefits

As a result of the participation of CONCENTROL in the Tech Meetings, two potential projects were developed.

  • AI for Training: The first project, in collaboration with DIH4CAT, will focus on using artificial intelligence to improve CONCENTROL's in-house training platform. This will help users better understand and use CONCENTROL's products.

  • Smart Production Line: The second project aims to use advanced Internet of Things (IoT) technology to add sensors to a real production line. Starting from the first in-lab prototype, it will evolve into a more sophisticated system, tested under real conditions (proof of concept). This solution will go beyond typical commercial options to fit CONCENTROL's specific needs.

Both ideas came from the Tech Meetings, but it took some time and planning to make them a reality. Follow-up meetings were held to refine the projects, set clear goals, define expected outcomes, and create a work plan.

These projects are expected to be executed between 2024 and 2025, and will be funded through two different DIH4CAT support lines. For the smart manufacturing project, CONCENTROL will receive funding through ACCIO's "Vouchers for advanced digital technologies testing" program. Meanwhile, the AI project will be supported by the PADIH program, which is a better fit for CONCENTROL's AI needs.

Business impact

These projects will help generate new revenue streams by creating new services and improving existing ones. So far, there is no forecast, but this opens up new opportunities for innovation and business development. On the other hand, having new and additional data on the usage of their products brings new perspectives on how to improve the product based on how their clients use them. This approach has several benefits, from optimising the production chain, to consolidating the relationship with the customer through a better (transparent and objective) guidance on how the product is used.

Beyond these two projects, CONCENTROL has also benefited from other services provided by DIH4CAT, including:

  • Mentorship Programs: Group workshops and one-on-one mentoring on advanced technologies to help companies explore and scale new, disruptive business models.

  • Bootcamp on Open Innovation and Corporate Venturing: A two-day bootcamp offered by IESE Business School, focused on fostering innovation and collaboration.

These activities, delivered by IESE business school, are designed to help CONCENTROL stay competitive and innovative in a fast-evolving market.

Perceived social/economic impact

Economic Impact

Cost Reduction: Optimising resources and reducing time are crucial. While some preparation is necessary, using a matchmaking platform like b2match significantly cuts down on the effort required. The cost of including a DIH in a large-scale event should be evaluated, but its format is very successful and can be easily adapted to smaller events as well.

Replicability: New versions of Tech Meetings are currently being organised to see its performance in smaller events. So far, the format is perfectly replicable and scalable.

Social Impact

Extended network of contacts: Large-scale events grants access to a wider variety of potential users of the EDIH summit, increasing its reach beyond the national borders.

High impact: The joint organisation between the EDIH (and alls its members) and the EEN in large-scale events makes Tech Meetings the perfect door for consolidated and new users. The number of entities involved demonstrates it.

High visibility: Being present in high impact congresses gives high visibility to the EDIH and all its activities. Joint dissemination efforts with the EEN multiplies this effect.

Measurable data

A total of four Tech Meetings were successfully organised in collaboration with the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN).

These meetings resulted in 145 individual sessions, engaging 91 SMEs, 21 start-ups, 5 public administrations, and 9EDIHs.

In total, 72 business opportunities were identified, leading to the development of 5 "test-before-invest" projects, with more projects in the pipeline as new submissions continue to be reviewed.

As with CONCENTROL, Tech Meetings have proved to be an incredible opportunity for many other organisations to start or continue their digital transformation. Approaching DIH4CAT involves starting a journey that involves different services. CONCENTROL took the following services: 2 technical services (1 PADIH, 1 Voucher) with a requested budget of 43.725 EUR, participated in the mentorship sessions, the bootcamp and the Digital Innovation Forum organised within the Open innovation and business mentorship work package. Additionally, they attended other ecosystem activities like the session "Best practices in AI".

DMA score and results - Stage 0

Digital Maturity Level = 48%

Digital Business Strategy 75%

Digital Readiness 28%

Human-Centric Digitalisation 46%

Data Governance 86%

Automation & Artificial Intelligence 8%

Green Digitalisation 75%

Lessons learned

Tech meetings have proven to be a very good format and the cooperation with the EEN has been essential in reaching companies not only in Catalonia but also beyond. This collaboration creates a valuable and engaging experience for companies, encouraging their participation.

The preparation for these meetings is key, allowing companies to quickly identify opportunities and options. With only 20 minutes per session, time management is crucial to make Tech meetings a very productive format. Additionally, having the event in parallel with other events is of great value due to the synergies it generates. For example, the Open Innovation Challenges create valuable connections, and having easy access to a broader ecosystem strengthens the event.

From CONCENTROL’s perspective, participating in Tech meetings and working with the DIH4CAT in the DIH program led to three key insights:

  • Scouting suppliers is essential: It’s important to know how to find and work with the right partners.

  • Clarity of goals: Be clear about what you want to achieve and avoid relying solely on external funding to move forward.

  • Simplicity and effectiveness of the DIH4CAT model: Compared to other open innovation models, the one offered by DIH4CAT is simpler and more direct. CONCENTROL has found the "venture client" approach to be the most successful and reliable, based on their previous experiences with other open innovation models.

The Benefits of the collaboration

The DIH4CAT and EEN collaboration integrates the national and international perspective brought by the EDIH and the European network. The cooperation in Barcelona is lead by ACCIO, the Catalan Innovation Agency, which works with the EEN in several occasions, with special emphasis in large-scale events and trade fairs. Their joint efforts enrich and complements each others activities and initiatives, becoming a perfect match to gain visibility, access to public and private entities, facilitate networking beyond national frontiers.

Tech meetings, which are the centre of this success story, took place in large international events and were organised at the IoT world congress and Advanced Factories world congress in its editions of 2023 and 2024. Thanks to the collaboration with the EEN, it is possible not only to network with national entities, but also with international companies. Meetings and networking area is also open to other EDIHs, fostering to meet with other EDIH and explore how to collaborate.  The venue also hosts other activities with international scope, like the Open Innovation Challenge organised by ACCIO, run tours for delegations and commercial expeditions, among other activities. Each activity normally attracts companies, or organisations, that turn into future collaborations and follow-up activities.

ACCIO, and the DIH4CAT, have privileged presence in Barcelona's main events (MWC, ISE, IOT SWC, Advanced Factories, among others) and lead the catalan industry 4.0 ecosystem. EEN works as perfect link to connect the Catalan ecosystem with the European one, and their expertise is of relevance in the organisation, management and monitoring of the activities. When events take place at EU level, roles change adopting different roles in order to facilitate Catalan presence and networking.

Lessons learned – do’s and don’ts of the collaboration


  • Identify a "coordinator" entity to lead effort and act as a single-entry point of requests.

  • Seamless integration and interaction between all partners involved.

  • Transparency enables trust and quick integration of those teams involved in the activity. 

  • Meetings do not happen spontaneously. Preparation work and regular follow-up to ensure tech meetings happen is an important job of the DIH members. 

  • The use of a platform such as b2match is critical for the success.

  • Assess the profile of people involved in the tech meetings to ensure they understand how they work, what sort of meetings will take place and what can be expected. Wrong profiles can generate (or get) frustrated and do not answer to what is expected.


  • Do not programme any activity without having analysed the context (of the current event, past and future events). 

  • Joining efforts means that all parts put effort. If DIH partners do not get involved and active, results won't be satisfying. 

ACCIO - Catalan innovation agency
EEN - Enterprise Europe Network

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