Hub information
EDIH Title
Geographical scope

DIH4CAT targets Catalan SMEs (with a special focus on manufacturing companies and technology providers), technology start-ups, and public administrations. Catalonia has a strong industrial base, with 35,339 companies (99% SMEs) which represent 18,1% of Spanish industrial enterprises. Data from 2019 shows that only 16% of those companies had adopted advanced digital technologies. Additionally, Catalonia counts more than 1,700 start-ups, (66% of Industry 4.0), facing challenges such as access to technology infrastructure, time to market and investment. In this context the Digital Innovation Hub of Catalonia (DIH4CAT) is born, as a non-profit regional innovation ecosystem formed by the main agents supporting digitisation in Catalonia and connecting the main technology infrastructure of the region to make them available for SMEs, start-ups, and public administration, with the objective of accelerating technology transformation towards a more green and digital industry. The consortium is led by the Government of Catalonia and composed of 7 technology partners (RTOs and university) leading the 7 technology areas (AI, HPC, Cybersecurity, Robotics, Photonics, 3D Printing and Connectivity), 1 business school, 2 employer’s industrial associations. It is complemented with 19 Associated Partners so far which include, among others, private companies contributing with infrastructure and know-how. DIH4CAT has a clear focus on test before invest services but complements its offer with services related to innovation, ecosystem, digital skills, access to finance and business. The Consortium has also a very well-defined collaboration strategy at an international level, developed through the presence in most relevant European networks, participation in more than 50 previous relevant projects, 5 MoUs specifically developed for this call, to develop common infrastructures/services, and seamless collaboration with EEN (Catalan node is also coordinated by ACCIÓ).
Coordinator information
Coordinator address
Passeig de gracia 129
08008 Barcelona Barcelona
Coordinator Business name
Coordinator Legal name
Coordinator department
Market and services
Contact Name | Role | Country | Address | Business Name | Legal Name | Participant Type | Website |
Alex Rostoll | Partner | Spain | Calle de salvador espriu 45-51, poligono pedrosa, 08908 L'hospitalet de llobregat, Spain | CTTI | CENTRE DE TELECOMUNICACIONS I TECNOLOGIES DE LA INFORMACIO DE LA GENERALITAT DE CATALUNYA | PUB | |
Maria Jose Sedo | Partner | Spain | Avenida universitat autonoma 23, 08290 Cerdanyola del valles (barcelona), Spain | EURECAT | FUNDACIO EURECAT | REC | |
Xavier Llopis | Partner | Spain | Campus uab edifici o, 08193 Bellaterra cerdanyola del valles, Spain | CVC-CERCA | CENTRE DE VISIO PER COMPUTADOR | REC | |
Eunice Ribeiro | Partner | Spain | Calle gran capita 2-4, edifici nexus i, 08034 Barcelona, Spain | I2CAT | FUNDACIO PRIVADA I2CAT, INTERNET I INNOVACIO DIGITAL A CATALUNYA | REC | |
Luis Romeral | Partner | Spain | Calle jordi girona 31, 08034 Barcelona, Spain | UPC | UNIVERSITAT POLITECNICA DE CATALUNYA | HES | |
Sergi Girona | Partner | Spain | Calle jordi girona 31, 08034 Barcelona, Spain | BSC CNS | BARCELONA SUPERCOMPUTING CENTER-CENTRO NACIONAL DE SUPERCOMPUTACION | REC | |
Lluis Torner | Partner | Spain | Avinguda carl friedrich gauss 3, 08860 Castelldefels, Spain | ICFO | FUNDACIO INSTITUT DE CIENCIES FOTONIQUES | REC | |
Amro Satti | Partner | Spain | Carrer de la innovacio 2, 08225 Terrassa, Spain | LEITAT | ACONDICIONAMIENTO TARRASENSE ASSOCIACION | REC | |
Maria Mora | Partner | Spain | Via layetana 32, 08003 Barcelona, Spain | FTN | FOMENTO DEL TRABAJO NACIONAL ASOCIACION | PRC | |
Andreu Bru | Partner | Spain | Calle viladomat 174, 08015 Barcelona, Spain | PIMEC | PIMEC PETITA I MITJANA EMPRESA DE C ATALUNYA | OTH | |
Josemaria Siota | Partner | Spain | Av. Pearson, 21, 08034 Barcelona, Spain | IESE Business School | IESE Business School – University of Navarra | HES | |
- | Associated | Spain | Rambla sant nebridi 10, 08012 Terrassa, Spain | SECPhO | SOUTHERN EUROPEAN CLUSTER IN PHOTONICS & OPTICS ASSOCIACION | OTH | |
- | Associated | Spain | Calle del gran capita 2 nexus building, 03034 Barcelona, Spain | CSUC | CONSORCI DE SERVEIS UNIVERSITARIS DE CATALUNYA | PUB | |
- | Associated | Spain | C gran capitan, edifici c1, campus nord upc sn, 08034 Barcelona, Spain | CIMNE-CERCA | CENTRE INTERNACIONAL DE METODES NUMERICS EN ENGINYERIA | REC | |
- | Associated | Spain | Carrer de escorxador, 43003 Tarragona, Spain | URV | UNIVERSITAT ROVIRA I VIRGILI | HES | |
- | Associated | Spain | Campus de bellaterra - universidad autonoma de barcelona, 08193 Cerdanyola del valles, Spain | IFAE-CERCA | INSTITUTO DE FISICA DE ALTAS ENERGIAS | REC | |
- | Associated | Germany | Speyerer straße 4, 69115 Heidelberg, Germany | BASF 3D Printing Solutions GmbH | BASF 3D Printing Solutions GmbH | PRC | |
- | Associated | Germany | bunsenstrasse 9c, 37073 Goettingen, Germany | ATG | Alphei Pueschel Roesler GbR - Akustik Technologie Goettingen | PRC | |
- | Associated | RENISHAW | RENISHAW PLC | PRC | | ||
- | Associated | Spain | Placa de pau vila 1 sector c 2nd, 08039 Barcelona, Spain | MWCB | FUNDACIO BARCELONA MOBILE WORLD CAPITAL FOUNDATION | OTH | |
- | Associated | Spain | Paseo del club deportivo, 1 edif.8, 28223 Madrid, Spain | Orange | Orange Espagne | PRC | |
- | Associated | Spain | Avda. diagonal, edifici imagina planta 12 177-183, 08018 Barcelona, Spain | MEDIAPRODUCCION | MEDIAPRODUCCION SL | PRC | http://WWW.MEDIAPRO.ES |
- | Associated | Spain | Placa de la merce, 10-12, 08002 Barcelona, Spain | UPF | UNIVERSIDAD POMPEU FABRA | HES | |
- | Associated | Spain | Placa sant domenec 3, 17004 Girona, Spain | UNIVERSITAT DE GIRONA | UNIVERSITAT DE GIRONA | HES | |
- | Associated | Spain | Calle serrano 117, 28006 Madrid, Spain | CSIC | AGENCIA ESTATAL CONSEJO SUPERIOR DE INVESTIGACIONES CIENTIFICAS | REC | |
- | Associated | Spain | Gran via de les corts catalanes 585, 08007 Barcelona, Spain | UB | UNIVERSITAT DE BARCELONA | HES | |
- | Associated | Spain | Cami de valls 81-87, 43204 Reus, Spain | CESICAT | Fundació Centre de Seguretat de la Informació de Catalunya | OTH | |
- | Associated | Spain | Paseo club deportivo, parque empresarial la finca, 1 edificio 1, 28223 Pozuelo de alarcón, Spain | Microsoft | Microsoft Iberica S.R.L | PRC | |
- | Associated | Spain | Camino fuente de la mora 1, 28050 Madrid, Spain | NTT DATA SPAIN, S.L.U. | NTT DATA SPAIN, SL | PRC | |
- | Associated | Spain | Av. diagonal 427 bis 4º, 08036 Barcelona, Spain | SDG Group España | SDG CONSULTING ESPAÑA SA | PRC | |