Hub information
EDIH Title
Geographical scope

Aligned and contributing for European and National policies, ATTRACT DIH defines an ambitious plan to support SMEs and public entities in their digital transformation and consolidation through the full exploitation of the synergetic potential between Artificial Intelligence and High-Performance Computing. ATTRACH DIH acts on both the supply and use of technology.
The hub will support technology-based SMEs in the design, development, validation and internationalisation of new products and services that can strongly benefit from AI or HPC, aiming at significant sales volumes at international level. Complementary, the hub will foster and assist potentially adopters of AI or HPC based solutions with dissemination and support initiatives, including the maturity assessment and definition of adoption roadmaps, aiming at leapfrog productivity gains.
To all recipients, ATTRACT will deliver specialized training services, fundraising support and will promote an active innovation ecosystem, including the collaboration with other DIHs at national and European level. To this end, ATTRACT DIH gathers the main AI and HPC research and technology-transfer centres in Portugal and their state-of-the-art experimental facilities, with a specific regional approach and coordination in the country main regions of the North, Centre, Lisbon and Tagus Valey, and South, complemented by two associations, the largest Business Association in Portugal and the Portuguese Data Science Association.
ATTRACT members lead the four national HPC infrastructures and are National Competence Centres for HPC and related technologies from the EuroHPC JU EuroAccess network. As such, the hub is in a unique position to foster the utilisation of the HPC resources available in Portugal in general and to leverage them to enable the training of AI models that would not be feasible on-premises.
Coordinator information
Coordinator address
Campus FEUP, R. Dr. Roberto Frias
4200-465 Porto
Coordinator Business name
Coordinator Legal name
Coordinator department
Market and services
Contact Name | Role | Country | Address | Business Name | Legal Name | Participant Type | Website |
Ricardo Machado | Partner | Portugal | Edif. 1, campus de azurém da universidade do minho, 4800-058 Guimarães, Portugal | DTx Colab | DTx Colab | REC | |
Guilherme Ramos Pereira | Partner | Portugal | Av eng duarte pacheco, tore 1 amoreiras - 15 piso, 1070-101 Lisbon, Portugal | DSPA | DSPA - DATA SCIENCE PORTUGUESE ASSOCIATION | OTH | |
Sara C. Madeira | Partner | Portugal | Campo grande, edificio c1, piso 3, 1749-016 Lisbon, Portugal | FC.ID | FCIENCIAS.ID - ASSOCIACAO PARA A INVESTIGACAO E DESENVOLVIMENTO DE CIENCIAS | REC | |
Arlindo Oliveira | Partner | Portugal | Avenida rovisco pais 1, 1049-001 Lisboa, Portugal | IST | INSTITUTO SUPERIOR TECNICO | HES | |
Pedro Alberto | Partner | Portugal | Paco das escolas, 3004-531 Coimbra, Portugal | UC | UNIVERSIDADE DE COIMBRA | HES | |
Paulo Quaresma | Partner | Portugal | Largo dos colegiais 2, 7000-803 Evora, Portugal | UE | UNIVERSIDADE DE EVORA | HES | |
Antonio Sousa | Partner | Portugal | Largo do paco, 4704-553 Braga, Portugal | UMINHO | UNIVERSIDADE DO MINHO | HES | |
Alipio Jorge | Partner | Portugal | Praca gomes teixeira, 4099-002 Porto, Portugal | UPORTO | UNIVERSIDADE DO PORTO | HES | |
Hugo Paredes | Partner | Portugal | Quinta de prados, 5000-911 Vila real, Portugal | UTAD | UNIVERSIDADE DE TRAS-OS-MONTES E ALTO DOURO | HES | |
Antonio Moreira | Partner | Portugal | Campus do ipca vila frescainha de s marinho, 4750-810 Barcelos, Portugal | IPCA | INSTITUTO POLITECNICO DO CAVADO E DO AVE | HES | |
Isabel Praca | Partner | Portugal | Rua dr antonio bernardino de almeida 431, 4200-072 Porto, Portugal | ISEP | INSTITUTO SUPERIOR DE ENGENHARIA DO PORTO | HES | |
Monica Ferreira | Partner | Portugal | Rua pedro nunes, 3030-199 Coimbra, Portugal | IPN | INSTITUTO PEDRO NUNES ASSOCIACAO PARA A INOVACAO E DESENVOLVIMENTO EM CIENCIA E TECNOLOGIA | REC | |
Paula Galvao | Partner | Portugal | Avenida mestre jose veiga, 4715-330 Braga, Portugal | INL | LABORATORIO IBERICO INTERNACIONAL DE NANOTECNOLOGIA LIN | REC | |
Anabela Oliveira | Partner | Portugal | Av do brasil 101, 1700-066 Lisboa, Portugal | LNEC | LABORATORIO NACIONAL DE ENGENHARIA CIVIL | REC | |
Paulo Alves | Partner | Portugal | Campus de santa apolonia, 5301-253 Braganca, Portugal | IPB | INSTITUTO POLITECNICO DE BRAGANCA | HES | |
Vitor Tavora | Partner | Portugal | Rua general norton de matos, 2411-901 Leiria, Portugal | IPLEIRIA | INSTITUTO POLITECNICO DE LEIRIA | HES | |
Nuno Manuel Garcia Dos Santos | Partner | Portugal | Convento de santo antonio, 6201-001 Covilha, Portugal | UBI | UNIVERSIDADE DA BEIRA INTERIOR | HES | |
Ricardo Goncalves | Partner | Portugal | Campus da caparica quinta da torre, 2829-516 Caparica, Portugal | UNINOVA | UNINOVA-INSTITUTO DE DESENVOLVIMENTO DE NOVAS TECNOLOGIAS-ASSOCIACAO | REC | |
Rita Moreira | Partner | Portugal | Rua serpa pinto 28/44g/44f, 4400-307 Vila nova de gaia, Portugal | VORTEX | VORTEX - ASSOCIACAO PARA O LABORATORIO COLABORATIVO EM SISTEMAS CIBER-FISICOS E CIBER-SEGURANCA | REC | |
Virgilio Cruz Machado | Partner | Portugal | Campus de campolide, 1099-085 Lisboa, Portugal | NOVA | UNIVERSIDADE NOVA DE LISBOA | HES | |
Benvinda Catarino | Partner | Portugal | Praca das industrias, 1300-307 Lisboa, Portugal | AIP | ASSOCIACAO INDUSTRIAL PORTUGUESA -CAMARA DE COMERCIO E INDUSTRIA AIPCCI | OTH | |
Miguel Sousa | Partner | Portugal | Rua dr afonso cordeiro 567, 4450-309 Matosinhos, Portugal | INOVA+ | INOVA+ - INNOVATION SERVICES, SA | PRC | |