Hub information
EDIH Title
Geographical scope

Aragon DIH is an instrument created to boost digitalization in Aragon in an effort to improve the competitiveness of its productive system, the development and enhancement of the results of its innovation ecosystem, the achievement of its smart specialisation and sustainability goals, and putting digitalization in the focus of the Aragonese society as a source for growth, social development, and with a strong transformative effect on employment quality. Aragon DIH joins the efforts of three of Aragon’s most relevant institutions, ITA (Coordinator), IAF and UNIZAR, who have been carrying out activities together since 2017 for the digitalisation of the region and its industries thanks to the DIH initiative, and it is also participated by Aragon’s business associations (CEOE and CEPYME), regional ICT cluster (TECNARA) and the regional Chambers of Commerce (CAMARA) that contribute as connecting arms with the industries. Aragon DIH relies on its outstanding technological capabilities in Data (iSpace since 2018), AI and cognitive systems, HPC, manufacturing processes, robotics and logistics, as key drivers for new developments and innovation opportunities. These, together with its close approach to Aragon’s SMEs, big corporations and public institutions (+100 associated partners at present), confer Aragon DIH the elements for an effective impact. Aragon DIH is a solid mature project with an ongoing track record of collaborations in European projects and networks, looking forward to becoming an important contributor to the EDIH Initial Network through its capabilities, expertise and experience.
Coordinator information
Coordinator address
Maria de luna 8
50018 Zaragoza Zaragoza
Coordinator Business name
Coordinator Legal name
Coordinator department
Market and services
Contact Name | Role | Country | Address | Business Name | Legal Name | Participant Type | Website |
Alfredo Esteban | Partner | Spain | Calle tc valenzuela 9, 50004 Zaragoza, Spain | IAF | INSTITUTO ARAGONES DE FOMENTO | PUB | |
Ignacio Garces | Partner | Spain | Calle pedro cerbuna 12, 50009 Zaragoza, Spain | UNIZAR | UNIVERSIDAD DE ZARAGOZA | HES | |
Daniel Fornies | Partner | Spain | Santander 36 - 2a planta, 50010 Zaragoza, Spain | CEPYME | CONFEDERACION DE LA PEQUEÑA Y MEDIANA EMPRESA CEPYME-ARAGON | OTH | |
Manuel Perez | Partner | Spain | Calle maria luna - edificio ceei 11, 50018 Zaragoza, Spain | TECNARA | ASOCIACION CLUSTER DE EMPRESAS DE TECNOLOGIAS DE LA INFORMACION ELECTRONICA Y TELECOMUNICACIONES DE ARAGON | OTH | |
Narciso Samaniego | Partner | Spain | Paseo isabel la catolica 2, 50009 Zaragoza, Spain | CAMARA | CONSEJO ARAGONES DE CAMARAS DE COMERCIO E INDUSTRIA | PUB | |
Carolina Alvarez | Partner | Spain | Avenida ranillas 20, 50015 Zaragoza, Spain | CEOE | CONFEDERACION DE EMPRESARIOS DE ARAGON | REC | |