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European Digital Innovation Hubs Network

Информация за дружествата

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Научете повече за нашата мрежа и как можем да ви помогнем да започнете цифровата трансформация на Вашето дружество




1. Digital speed test
1. Digital speed test

A quick five-step version of the DMAΤ.

Discover where  your company is on the digitalisation path, before contacting your nearest EDIH, to boost  your digital capacities.

Take test

2. Open Digital maturity assessment Tool
2. Open Digital maturity assessment Tool

Open DMAT measures the digital maturity of a company according to a set of specified criteria. This process allows you to gain a clear understanding of your company’s digital needs, enabling tailored interventions.

Go to the tool

3. EDIH services for you
3. EDIH services for you

Based on your results, engage with your nearest EDIH!

Enhance your business and production processes with tailored technical assistance. Your EDIH will make sure you get the best support to improve your products and services by using digital technologies.

Find nearest EDIH

4. Success stories
4. Success stories

Do you want to see how other SMEs and public  sector organisations have benefited from their collaboration with the EDIHs? Here you have the perfect showcase to learn from many others like you!

Go to success stories

Какво представляват европейските цифрови иновационни центрове (ЕЦЦИ)?

Европейските цифрови иновационни центрове (ЕЦЦИ) са стратегически партньори по пътя на Вашето дружество към справяне с цифровите предизвикателства и повишаване на конкурентоспособността.

Въпреки че ЕЦЦИ имат регионално присъствие, те също имат полза от това да бъдат част от общоевропейска мрежа. Тези звена за обслужване на едно гише са предназначени да предлагат специфична за региона подкрепа, като същевременно са част от по-широка европейска мрежа. Техните местни знания осигуряват услуги, съобразени с Вашите специфични нужди и иновационна екосистема. Европейското покритие на мрежата на ЕЦЦИ насърчава обмена на най-добри практики и специализирани услуги в различни региони и държави.

Гледайте нашия видеоклип, за да научите за услугите на нашата мрежа и да откриете вдъхновяващи примери за успех от дружества, които подкрепихме по пътя им към цифрова трансформация.

За повече информация относно предимствата на сътрудничеството с ЕЦЦИ можете да разгледате и нашата инфографика.

Test before invest

Win risk Free!

  • Get access to testing and experimentation facilities for your technological developments or proof of concept.
  • Assess the potential of your new products to take informed decisions towards future investments.
  • Experiment on new digital advancements in the adequate testbeds, sandboxes and provided pilot programs
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Skills & Training

Building Expertise!

  • Continuous leaning process through training programs for the workforce.
  • Training programs inspired by sectorial needs.
  • Training provided to the senior positions in new technologies and implementation plans.
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Support to Find Investment

Empower your business!

  • Participate in programs that will thrust the success of your SME/ start-up.
  • Explore the EDIH Network to investigate new funding opportunities.
  • Receive expert advise by experts on how to create successful business plans and investment pitches.
  • Ensure access to multiple resources, namely guides and good practices, improving your knowledge on financial issues.
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Innovation Ecosystem & Networking

Expand your network!

  • Increase collaboration with stakeholders and EDIHs, that cover regional, national and European networks aiming to exchange knowledge.
  • Be inspired by participating in a plethora of events and workshops.
  • Use the matchmaking services to engage with other private and public actors that can meet your needs.
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Find your nearest EDIH

EDIH Network Service Brochure
(3.3 MB - PDF)
Find your nearest EDIH

Browse the EDIH Catalogue to find the hub closest to you and get in touch.