Hub information
EDIH Title

The agrifood system that many of us take for granted is under pressure. Climate change is causing challenges for crop production due to floods and droughts, monotonous arable landscapes decrease biological diversity, zoonosis diseases are spreading in animal production, and food fraud and ransomware is hampering the food processing industry. On top of that, the sector faces problems to attract skilled workers, due to bad working conditions. Swedish food production is a core sector of the economy with potential to become an innovative growth engine of the 20th century. To succeed, knowledge investments, knowledge transfer and digital applications are needed to improve production effectiveness and the attractiveness of the sector. Digitalisation is central to achieve Sweden's high ambitions regarding environment and climate goals as well as food strategy. Agrihub Sweden is a powerful initiative that brings together well established and renowned organisations around a common vision: to transform the Swedish agrifood system into a world class example in achieving sustainability and competitiveness through digitalisation. Agrihub Sweden is coordinated by RISE and Testbed for digitalized agriculture and based on collaboration with Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences and other regional platforms in Eastern-Central Sweden (Agtech 2030 and Visual Sweden c/o Linköping University), Western Sweden (SmartAgri c/o Agroväst), and Southern Sweden (c/o Krinova). Agrihub Sweden aims to become the most attractive EDIH in Europe for SMEs and public authorities operating in the agrifood sector. Through agrifood field environments for real-world data collection and testing, expertise within IoT, AI and cybersecurity, as well as locations and competence for knowledge building and networking, Agrihub Sweden provides an excellent environment for a green and digital transformation of the agrifood value chain.
Coordinator information
Coordinator address
Brinellgatan 4
501 15 Boras
Coordinator Business name
Coordinator Legal name
Coordinator department
Contact Name | Role | Country | Address | Business Name | Legal Name | Participant Type | Website |
Kristina Anderback | Partner | Sweden | Agrovast livsmedel, 532 23 Skara, Sweden | AGROVAST LIVSMEDEL AKTIEBOLAG | AGROVAST LIVSMEDEL AKTIEBOLAG | OTH | |
Per Frankelius | Partner | Sweden | Campus valla, 581 83 Linkoping, Sweden | LIU | LINKOPINGS UNIVERSITET | HES | |
Anna Niklasson | Partner | Sweden | Box 133, 541 23 Skövde, Sweden | Science Park Skövde AB | Science Park Skövde AB | OTH | |
Mia Bjorkil | Partner | Sweden | Stridsvagnsvägen 14, 291 39 Kristianstad, Sweden | Krinova Incubator & Science Park | Krinova | REC | |
Mats Wiktorsson | Partner | Sweden | Undervisningsplan 7c, 756 51 Uppsala, Sweden | SLU Holding | SLU Holding AB | PRC | |
Oleksiy Guzhva | Partner | Sweden | Almas alle 8, 750 07 Uppsala, Sweden | SWEDISH UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES | SVERIGES LANTBRUKSUNIVERSITET | HES | |