Læs mere om vores netværk, og hvordan vi kan hjælpe dig med at lancere din virksomheds digitale omstilling
A quick five-step version of the DMAΤ.
Discover where your company is on the digitalisation path, before contacting your nearest EDIH, to boost your digital capacities.
Open DMAT measures the digital maturity of a company according to a set of specified criteria. This process allows you to gain a clear understanding of your company’s digital needs, enabling tailored interventions.
Based on your results, engage with your nearest EDIH!
Enhance your business and production processes with tailored technical assistance. Your EDIH will make sure you get the best support to improve your products and services by using digital technologies.
Do you want to see how other SMEs and public sector organisations have benefited from their collaboration with the EDIHs? Here you have the perfect showcase to learn from many others like you!
Hvad er europæiske digitale innovationsknudepunkter?
Europæiske digitale innovationsknudepunkter (EDIH'er) er strategiske partnere i din virksomheds rejse for at tackle digitale udfordringer og blive mere konkurrencedygtige.
Selv om de europæiske digitale innovationsknudepunkter har en regional tilstedeværelse, drager de også fordel af at være en del af et paneuropæisk netværk. Disse kvikskranker er udformet med henblik på at tilbyde regionsspecifik støtte og samtidig være en del af et bredere europæisk netværk. Deres lokale viden sikrer tjenester, der er skræddersyet til dine specifikke behov, og innovationsøkosystemer. EDIH-netværkets europæiske dækning fremmer udveksling af bedste praksis og specialiserede tjenester på tværs af forskellige regioner og lande.
Se vores video for at lære om vores netværks tjenester og opdage inspirerende succeshistorier fra virksomheder, som vi har støttet under deres digitale omstillingsrejse.
Hvis du vil vide mere om fordelene ved at samarbejde med et EDIH, kan du også se vores infografik.
Test before invest
Win risk Free!
- Get access to testing and experimentation facilities for your technological developments or proof of concept.
- Assess the potential of your new products to take informed decisions towards future investments.
- Experiment on new digital advancements in the adequate testbeds, sandboxes and provided pilot programs
Skills & Training
Building Expertise!
- Continuous leaning process through training programs for the workforce.
- Training programs inspired by sectorial needs.
- Training provided to the senior positions in new technologies and implementation plans.
Support to Find Investment
Empower your business!
- Participate in programs that will thrust the success of your SME/ start-up.
- Explore the EDIH Network to investigate new funding opportunities.
- Receive expert advise by experts on how to create successful business plans and investment pitches.
- Ensure access to multiple resources, namely guides and good practices, improving your knowledge on financial issues.
Innovation Ecosystem & Networking
Expand your network!
- Increase collaboration with stakeholders and EDIHs, that cover regional, national and European networks aiming to exchange knowledge.
- Be inspired by participating in a plethora of events and workshops.
- Use the matchmaking services to engage with other private and public actors that can meet your needs.
Find your nearest EDIH
Browse the EDIH Catalogue to find the hub closest to you and get in touch.