This section contains support material on the KPI reporting.
You will find below a quick user guide for the KPI reporting tool.
For specific questions, you can also refer to the FAQ tab on KPI reporting.
In addition, from the Webinar on how to report KPIs (04 May, 2023), on the following links you will find the recording and the presentation of the event.
You will find instructions how to upload records via csv in the following material:
- Instructions with list of fields and allowed values
- Import PSOs: template and example
- Import SMEs: template and example
- Import EDIH services delivered: template and example
- Import EDIH’s events: template and example
- Import EDIH collaboration: template and example
- Import Collaboration with other stakeholders: template and example
- Import Allocation of service per type of customer and service category: template and example
Change log
18/11/2024: KPI - Import via csv Instructions. Update General instructions for multi-value fields.
KPI - Services - Import SME csv template: Fixed format of the file, the columns must be comma separated.
KPI - Services - Import PSO csv template: Fixed format of the file, the columns must be comma separated.
KPI - Services - Import PSO csv example: Removed unnecessary data.Files changed:
- KPI - Import via csv Instructions
- KPI - Services - Import SME csv template
- KPI - Services - Import PSO csv template
- KPI - Services - Import PSO csv example
12/11/2024: KPI - Import via csv Instructions. Added check to check if the KPI import file has UTF-8 BOM encoding. Changed Other sectors column multi-value separator to “;” in Import SME and Import PSO.
Files changed:
- KPI - Import via csv Instructions
- KPI - Services - Import SME csv example
- KPI - Services - Import PSO csv example
24/07/2024: KPI - Services - Import services csv example. Changed Technology type used column multi-value separator to ";".
Files changed:
- KPI - Import via csv Instructions
- KPI - Services - Import services csv example
- 31/05/2024: KPI - Import via csv Instructions. Added bulk service deletion instructions and duplicate check.
- Files changed:
- KPI - Import via csv Instructions
- Files changed:
- 13/05/2024: KPI - Import via csv Instructions . Added Legal aspects and Regulation in Primary/Other sectors in SME customer.
- Files changed:
- KPI - Import via csv Instructions
09/02/2024: Import Allocation of service per type of customer and service category. Added a new field “Number of attendees”, which is applicable when the service is “Training and skills development”. Please adjust your import csv for services. Import EDIH services update: If a customer is PSO Service price, Price invoiced to customer are optional.
Files changed:
- KPI -Services - Import Allocation of service csv template
- KPI -Services - Import Allocation of service csv example
20/12/2023: Import EDIH services update. Added a new field “Number of attendees”, which is applicable when the service is “Training and skills development”. Please adjust your import csv for services.
Files changed:
- KPI - Services - Import services csv template
- KPI - Services - Import services csv example
26/01/2024: Import EDIH services update and import EDIH Events update: Date(s) make mandatory, Prices must be greater than 0, Number of attendees must be greater than 1.
Files changed:
- KPI - Services - Import services csv template
- KPI - Services - Import services csv example
- KPI -Services - Import EDIH's Events csv template
- KPI -Services - Import EDIH's Events csv example
- KPI - Import via csv Instructions