Hub information
EDIH Title
Geographical scope

EXPAND aims to become one of the recognized European hubs able to provide digital evolutionary services such as testing before investing, training and skills development, support to find investments, networking and access to innovation ecosystems, according to the DIGITAL-2021-EDIH-01 call expectation. The project targets the digital transformation needs of Companies and Public Authorities in the Piemonte and Valle d’Aosta (VdA) area. The proposal is strongly focused on the specific topics of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Cyber-security (CS), notwithstanding - due to the nature of the consortium - all the ICT panoramas can be covered and integrated, with regard on other key enabling technologies like advanced robotics, extended reality, internet of things, additive manufacturing, next generation network, distributed intelligence, and many other. Within the project a list of 50 services was drawn up, organized by categories, daily cost and duration: the EXPAND strategy is to provide some free of charge services (all for PA, some for the enterprises) and a sub-set of services via a clearly defined final cost: the rationale behind this is to guarantee the full commitment of the entities requiring support. The project is open to all the companies with a focus on the manufacturing and industrial ecosystem, paying particular attention to those who develop or deploy technologies with a positive impact, directly or indirectly, on the environment and sustainability. The filtering of requests will take place thorough an open, transparent, and non-discriminatory mechanism, creating a selection funnel: initially will reach the maximum potentially interested audience and then will start the vis-à-vis discussion and actuhe EXPAND (EXtended Piedmont and Aosta valley Network for Digitalization) is the application of the Piedmont - Valle d’Aosta cluster to the selection for one of the node of the forthcoming EDIH European network in the context of the Digital Europe Program.
Coordinator information
Coordinator address
Corso luigi settembrini 178
10135 Torino TO
Coordinator Business name
Coordinator Legal name
Coordinator department
Market and services
Contact Name | Role | Country | Address | Business Name | Legal Name | Participant Type | Website |
- | Affiliated | Italy | Corso duca degli abruzzi 24, 10129 Torino, Italy | POLITO | POLITECNICO DI TORINO | HES | |
Silvio Abrate | Partner | Italy | Via pier carlo boggio 61, 10138 Torino, Italy | LINKS | FONDAZIONE LINKS - LEADING INNOVATION & KNOWLEDGE FOR SOCIETY | REC | |
Vittorio Vallero | Partner | Italy | Corso unione sovietica 216, 10134 Torino, Italy | CSI | CONSORZIO PER IL SISTEMA INFORMATIVO (CSI PIEMONTE) | PUB | |
Nicoletta Marchiandi | Partner | Italy | Via carlo alberto 16, 10123 Torino, Italy | CAM-TO | CAMERA DI COMMERCIO INDUSTRIA ARTIGIANATO AGRICOLTURA DI TORINO | PUB | |
Laura Morgagni | Partner | Italy | Galleria san federico 54, 10122 Torino, Italy | TOWL | FONDAZIONE TORINO WIRELESS | REC | |
Fabio Schena | Partner | Italy | Via pianezza 123, 10151 Torino, Italy | API-TO | ASSOCIAZIONE TRA LE PICCOLE E MEDIE IMPRESE | OTH | |
- | Affiliated | Italy | Via pianezza 123, 10151 Torino, Italy | APIFORM | Api formazione scrl | OTH | |
Pietro Rosso | Partner | Italy | Corso stati uniti 38, 10128 Torino, Italy | DIHP | Digital Innovation Hub Piemonte | OTH | |
Paolo Dondo | Partner | Italy | Via fanti 17, 10128 Torino, Italy | MESAP | CENTRO SERVIZI INDUSTRIE SRL | PRC | |
Giuseppe Gubello | Partner | Italy | Piazza san carlo 156, 10121 Torino, Italy | ISP | INTESA SANPAOLO SPA | PRC | |
- | Affiliated | Italy | Corso inghilterra 3, 10138 Torino, Italy | ISP-IC | Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center S.p.A. | PRC | |